AP freight allocation
When enabled, AP freight allocation passes freight charges and tracking information from a vendor's PO to the tied sales order based on defined freight terms on the purchase order and sales order.
When AP freight allocation is enabled, freight terms are required for customers and vendors. Because freight charges can be passed from purchase orders to tied direct orders, freight terms are also required in order entry. When AP freight allocation is enabled, the Freight Terms field is a required field in these functions:
- Customer Setup-Ordering
- Customer Ship To Setup-Ordering
- Vendor Setup-Ordering
- Vendor Ship From Setup-General
- Sales Order Entry-Customer Order Settings
- Purchase Order Entry-Purchase Order Settings
The Freight Terms Type value is associated with a freight term. This freight terms type is used to control how freight charges are assigned to sales orders, purchase orders, and vendor invoices in Distribution SX.e. The Freight Terms Type is set for each freight term record in SA Table Code Value Setup.
Use the Freight Terms Type to define a customer or vendor's freight terms as one of these types, or you can leave it blank:
- Prepay and Add
Customer: You pay the freight up front, and pass it to your customer with an upcharge.
Vendor: The vendor pays the freight and passes the charges to you, the distributor, on their invoice.
- Destination
Customer: You pay the freight and do not pass the freight charge to your customer.
Vendor: The vendor pays the freight, and no freight is charged to you or the customer.
- Collect
Customer: The customer pays the freight on their account.
Vendor: You pay the freight on an account of your choice.
- 3rd Party
Customer: The customer designates another company to bill freight charges to (usually a corporate account).
Vendor: You designate another company to bill freight to (usually a corporate account).
- Pickup
Customer: The customer picks up the delivery. No freight is charged to customer.
Vendor: You pick up the goods or arrange the pickup and pay your own freight.
Purchase Order Entry
When AP freight allocation is enabled, the Freight Terms value in Purchase Order Entry-Purchase Order Settings defaults from the Vendor Setup or Vendor Ship From Setup record, unless overridden. Freight Terms is a required field.
When tying an order line to a purchase order, the Freight Terms and Ship Via values on the Sourcing view in Sales Order Entry-Advanced Line Entry default from the sales order or the vendor record, depending on the Freight Terms Type. The values from the Sourcing screen are carried to the new purchase order header.
Sales Order Entry
Freight terms entered for a sales order are used to determine if freight and third-party addons from the purchase order should be distributed to the tied sales order. When AP freight allocation is enabled, the Freight Terms value in Sales Order Entry-Customer Order Settings defaults from the Customer Setup or Customer Ship To Setup record, unless overridden. Freight Terms is a required field.
A new Freightoption is added to SA Order Entry Addon Setup, which identifies the addon as being a freight type addon. This option allows Distribution SX.e to correctly update the freight amounts on a sales order.
Vendor invoice costing
You can enter and track additional freight related information in these areas of Vendor Invoice Center Entry:
- Invoice Detail-Create/Update
- Purchase Order Header-Create/Update
- Invoices grid
The freight and tracking fields in Vendor Invoice Center Entry are processed in Vendor Entry Group Update/Reconcile Invoices Report. Depending on the Freight Terms Type, freight charges can be passed from the purchase order to the sales order for direct orders, populating the actual Freight field and including a freight upcharge from Customer Billing Setup. When sales order lines are tied to multiple purchase orders, and costed together in a single batch, all freight charges are accumulated into a single freight amount on the sales order.
The Packages view in Purchase Order Inquiry displays the purchase order tracking information entered in Vendor Invoice Center Entry and updated during Vendor Entry Group Update/Reconcile Invoices Report processing.
The SupplierInvoice BOD includes these fields:
- apei.checkref
- apei.internalref
- apei.mailroomdt
- apeid.trackerno1
- apeid.trackerno2
- apeid.shipviaty
- apeid.thirdpartyfreight
Direct PO Addons
AP freight allocation is independent of the Bill Direct PO Addons option selected in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Back Orders, which passes invoice addons back to direct orders on an order-by-order basis. We recommend choosing one method to bill purchase order freight addons to customers. If you select AP freight allocation, you can still use Bill Direct PO Addons other than freight.