RS Activity Administration field descriptions

Fields are presented in alphabetical order within each section.

Additional Information


Displays the start time that is assigned to the selected job in RS Queue Setup.

Current Jobs

Displays the accumulated number of Report Scheduler records with a status of Y for the selected queue.


Displays the end time that is assigned to the selected job in RS Queue Setup.

Max Jobs

Displays the maximum number of simultaneous jobs for the selected queue. This value is defined in RS Queue Setup.


Displays the priority that is assigned to this queue in RS Queue Setup.


Displays the current status of the selected queue.

Administration Activities grid

Job Name

Displays the name of the print job.

Last Run Date

Displays the last date this job was run on.

Last Run Time

Displays the last time this job was run.

One Time

Indicates if the job is a one-time job.


Displays the initials of the operator that created the job.

Printer Name

Displays the name of the printer this job is assigned to print on.


Displays the Distribution SX.e acronym for the job.


Displays the queue the job is assigned to.

Start Date

Displays the date this job was scheduled to start running.

Start Time

Displays the time of day this job starts running.


Displays the status for the job. Statuses include:

  • Blank - The job is scheduled to run but has not reached the scheduled time
  • Executing
  • Has encountered an error condition
  • Aborted
  • Complete
  • Backlogged
  • Inactive Queue
  • Invalid Queue

Displays the window title of the procedure.