Sales Order Register Report ranges and options
See Report ranges.
- (O)rder #,(C)ust #, (P)rod, (S)lsrep Order, (L)ookup Nm Seq
Select an order in which to print the orders on the report.
The sort order you select are used in conjunction with the other ranges and options. For example, if you print in product order, but select No for Print Line Items, an error occurs because a conflict exists.
If you select sales rep order and select Yes for Print Line Items, no header information prints, and the lines are sorted by sales rep. If you select sales rep order and select No for Print Line Items, the header information prints. The total information is always totaled by the header information, even if the header information is not printed.
If these conditions are met, a third header line is printed to show which company was invoiced:
- The report is printed in order or customer order.
- An invoice is sent to a finance company under a floor planning arrangement.
If you select product or sales rep orders, Just in Time (JIT) orders are annotated in the Ln# column on the report.
If you select order or customer order, the customer’s purchase order number is included on the report.
- If Slsrep Order, Then (I)n or (O)ut?
This option is valid only if you selected sales rep order for the previous option.
Specify I to use inside sales reps.
Specify O to use outside sales reps.
- (N)onstock, (S)pecial, (D)rops, or (A)ll
Print LineUse this option to limit qualifying orders to print only nonstocks, specials, or line direct orders (DOs). A line DO is indicated by the letter d adjacent to the line number on the report.
If you specify N, S, or D, the totals are taken from the applicable lines on the qualifying orders. COD charges and down payment amounts are not included on the report because they are calculated from the order header. The line totals include discounts and rebates.
If you specify A, the totals on the Tot By Order Specify section of the report come from the applicable order headers.
The Blanket Order total is not included in the grand total in the Tot By Order Specify section of the report.
If you specify a specific line type, you must select Yes for Print Line Items.
- Print Back Orders Only?
Select Yes to print only back orders. If a line was back-ordered, Yes is displayed in the BO? column on the report. If a line was not back-ordered because of the value in the Create OE Back Orders At Stage field in SA Administrator Options, No is displayed in the BO? column.
- Ship Comp, Tag & Hold, Will Call, JIT Only, All
This option includes orders on the report, based on the disposition type.
Specify S to include Ship Complete orders.
Specify T to include Tag & Hold orders.
Specify W to include Will Call orders.
Specify J to include Just In Time orders. If the release was not created, JIT orders that were not invoiced are include on the report.
Specify A to print all orders, with or without a disposition.
- Print Line Items?
Select Yes to print individual line items.
If you specified a specific order type in the (N)onstock, (S)pecial, (D)rops, or (A)ll field, you must select Yes.
If you select Yes, orders are included in the count, based on lines and line data. Therefore, orders without line items are not included in the count.
If you select No, orders are included in the count, based on header data. Therefore, orders without line items are included in the count.
- Totals Only
Select Yes to print only the totals by order type and the grand totals. The margin percent is calculated for each order type and grand totals print.
Select No to print order details.
- Include BO Suffixes in Totals?
Select Yes to include back order suffixes in totals.
- Invoice Verification: (I)nclude, (E)xclude, (O)nly
This option includes orders on the report, based on the Require Invoice Verification value. You must select the Use Invoice Verification option in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Processing to enable sales order invoice verification. An order that is set to require verification before invoicing is indicated by VRFY in the order header data on the report.
Specify I to print sales orders where the Require Invoice Verification field is set to Yes or No.
Specify E to print only sales orders where the Require Invoice Verification field is set to No.
Specify O to print only sales orders where the Require Invoice Verification field is set to Yes.