Setting up a Catch Weight product
If you have activated catch weight functionality in SA Administrator Options, the catch weight settings are available in Product Setup-General-Catch Weight.
Note: Optionally, you can select
an existing product from the grid, copy it, and change it to a catch weight
Use these high-level steps to set up new catch weight products. See the online help for more detailed steps and field descriptions.
- Select Product > Setup > Product.
- Click New.
Specify the required information, and click Save.
Note: The stocking unit should be the base unit of measure for a product and be weight-related [such as, pounds, ounces, kilograms].
- In the General tab, in the Units section, in Selling, specify a selling unit. If the selling unit is the same as the stocking unit, you can leave this field blank.
- In the Catch Weight section, select the option, Catch Weight Product. Additional fields become available.
Optionally, select Allow Sales
Order Tracking. Select this option to track and process this
product as a catch weight product on sales orders. When selected, the Actual
Total Weight of a catch product must be specified during Sales Shipping Feedback Entry.
Note: You can create a product-specific override of the SA Administrator Options setting by not allowing catch weight for a sales or purchase order here.
- Optionally, select Allow Purchase Order Tracking. Select this option to track and process this product as a catch weight product on purchase orders. When selected, the Actual Total Weight of a catch product must be specified during Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry.
- Optionally, in Max. Tolerance %, specify a maximum allowable tolerance as a percentage. When a catch weight is specified in the Actual Total Weight field during receiving or shipping, the variance is calculated as the difference between the expected weight and the catch weight as a percentage.
- Optionally, in Max. Tolerance Amount, specify a maximum allowable tolerance as an amount (weight). When a catch weight is specified in the Actual Total Weight field during receiving or shipping, the variance is calculated as the difference between the expected weight and the catch weight as an amount.
- Click Save.
In the Pricing tab, in
the Special Price section, specify this information:
- Special Price/Cost
Select Yes.
- Price/Cost Per Stock
Specify 1.00000000. This is the unit conversion factor used in Sales Order Entry to determine the price of the product.
- Special Price/Cost Unit
Specify specify the same unit as the stocking unit.
- Click Save.
- Select Product > Setup > Extended Unit Conversion.
- Click New.
- In Product, select the catch weight product you created.
- In Unit, specify the unit you purchase the product in. Specify a new unit of measure for this product, or select an existing unit. This field is enterable.
- In Description, specify a short description for the conversion.
- In Unit Conversion Type, select Multiple.
- In Stocking Units in This Unit, specify an expected weight for this unit.
- Click Save.
- Select Product > Setup > Warehouse Product.
- Click New.
- In Product, select the catch weight product you created.
- In Warehouse, specify a warehouse.
- In Vendor #, specify a vendor.
- In Product Line, specify a product line.
- In the Additional section, specify costs.
- Click Save.
- In the General tab, in the General section, in the Control field, select Lot if your catch weight product is lot controlled.
- In the Pricing section, specify a Base Price and List Price.
- In the Ordering tab, in the Ordering Units section, specify a Buying Unit.
- Complete other fields, as required, for this record.
- Click Save.
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