PI Administrator Import File ranges and options
This report does not include ranges.
- Enter Import Type
Specify a valid import type. The file definitions are set up for this import type in PI Import Definition Setup. They are used to map the contents of the import file when it creates an edit file.
- Enter File Name to Import
Specify the name of the ASCII import file. The file should reside in the directory set up in the Import Directory field in SA Administrator Options-Products-Defaults. The name is assigned by the pricing service that sent the file. However, you may have changed the file name when it was transferred onto your system. The directory location is not required with the file name. The directory location is added automatically. The file is used to create an edit file; also known as an update file [PI Entry Edit File]. This file can be edited in PI Entry Edit Product Update File.
- Update #
Specify a user-defined number that identifies this import file. It should be a unique number. Use this number when you identify the file for editing in PI Entry Edit Product Update File. Use this number when you update it in PI Entry Update Products. This number is also used for inquiries.
You may be importing a Trade Service file. To use the issue number on the Trade Service file, specify that number in this field. Select No for the Override option. We recommend you use a numbering system that helps you identify import files. You can use the last two digits of the year and the week number, separated by a dash (-). For example, 15-11. This format is used by Trade Service Company.
- Override Trade Service Update #?
You may be importing a Trade Service file. To assign an update number different than their issue number, select Yes to override. You must specify your update number in the Update # field.
- Override File Effective Date?
You may not want to use the effective date provided by the supplier in the import file. Select Yes to override. You can select Yes to override if there is no effective date included in the supplier's data. Retain the default No to import the effective date provided by the supplier. If there is no effective date in any record, the record is imported without one. Records without an effective date are not processed in PI Entry Update Products. You may want to import records without an effective date if you intend to delay updating for an indefinite period. When you are ready to update, set the effective date in PI Administrator Change Effective Date and proceed with the updating process.
- Date (MM/DD/YY)
If you select Yes to override the effective date, specify the new date to be loaded into the Effective Date field for each record. If the Override option is Yes, and you leave this field blank, the record is imported without an effective date.
- Days to Allow Forward
You can specify a specific number of days to allow forward. This sets the effective date for all records to that number of days beyond the current date. You can delay updating your Product entity files during the update process by a set number of days, such as 7 or 30. Specify how many days forward to set the effective date for all records to that many days beyond the current date.
- Allow Only One Active Import?
Select Yes to allow only one active product file to exist on your system at a time. If a previous import has not been completed by the time this import file is processed, the import is not allowed. If you select No, you can process more than one product update process at any given time.
Use caution if allowing more than one update process at a time. Product entity records reflect the most recent update performed in PI Entry Update Products. A product may exist in more than one update file. If so, and the products are updated in the incorrect sequence, the resulting Product entity records could be incorrect.
- Stop Import After How Many Records Read?
Depending on the size of your import files, it may be beneficial to process a trial run of import records before importing the entire file. You can use a trial run to verify the mapping and price/cost multipliers before importing a large file. To do this, specify the number of records to read before stopping the import. You can view the partial file in PI Entry Edit Product Update File. Then, later remove it in PI Administrator Clear Active Update. Ensure that the partial file is removed and not updated before attempting to import the entire file.
- Report on Product Truncation?
The imported product name may be truncated and is not put on hold. That is, the PI Price Cost Multiplier Setup is set to Update or Ignore. If so], setting this option to No suppresses the warning that is normally displayed when the field changes.
- Report on Description Truncation?
The imported product description may be truncated and is not put on hold. That is, the PI Price Cost Multiplier Setup is set to Update or Ignore. If so, setting this option to No suppresses the warning that is normally displayed when the field changes.
- Report on UPC# reset?
The imported product UPC number may be different from the existing record and is not put on hold. That is, the PI Price Cost Multiplier Setup is set to Update or Ignore. If so, setting this option to No suppresses the warning that is normally displayed when the field changes.
- Report on Terms% reset?
The imported product's terms may be different from the existing record and are not put on hold. That is, the PI Price Cost Multiplier Setup is set to Update or Ignore. If so, setting this option to No suppresses the warning that is normally displayed when the field changes.
- Report in Detail on Skipped Products?
Select Yes to obtain a detailed list of skipped products. The report shows the raw product number, the vendor code and the line code.
- Rename Import File
Select Yes to rename the import file.
- Enter List of Warehouses
Select Yes to specify a list of warehouses for the import. When you select Yes for this option, and click , the Warehouse List is displayed. You can add one or more warehouses to the list. When you finish setting the options and run the import, products are imported to only the warehouses you listed. Select No if you want products to be imported to all warehouses.
- If Using Whse List Process Catalogs?
If you select Yes for the Enter List of Warehouses option, you can also select Yes for this option. If you select Yes, Product Catalog Setup records that match the products being imported for the warehouses on the list are also updated.