Will call disposition
If a customer places an order and asks you to hold it until they pick it up, you can assign a Will Call disposition to the order in Sales Order Entry. After the order is filled, it is held in a staging area until it is picked up. The stock is not available to sell to anyone else.
If a back order is created, the disposition of the back order is set to Will Call. When the back ordered items are received, the pick ticket produced by the Sales Entry Processing Back Order Fill Report has a Will Call disposition but does not have a ship to address. When the warehouse personnel fills a Will Call order, they notify the Customer Service Representative who notifies the customer that the order is available for pick up.
If taxes are applicable, they are calculated based on the warehouse location since the exchange of goods occurs at the warehouse site. Changing the Ship Via to a user-defined value such as CPU for Customer Pick Up does not affect taxing calculations.