Vendor Entry Group Update/Reconcile Invoices Report ranges and options


See Report Ranges.


Posting Date

This date is assigned to the General Ledger activity and costing activity records when this report is run in update mode.

Specify the date to assign to each transaction that is written to the group transaction file.

If you are updating a previous period, leave the posting date as today's date to maintain an audit trail of the posting sequence. You cannot change the posting date later.


The period is assigned to the General Ledger activity and costing activity records when this report is run in update mode.

Update (NO = Error Checking Only)

Select Yes to update the files and accounts. After group updating is complete, the system updates the Last Posted By operator initials, date, and time in Vendor Entry Invoice Group Setup.

Select No to only list and check for errors in the group transactions without updating files and General Ledger accounts. A report is generated showing the invoice posting and PO costing errors. These errors are also logged and are displayed in the Vendor Invoice Center Entry when validation is complete.

Print All Records (NO = Errors Only)

Select Yes to print all transaction records for the group.

Select No to print only those transaction records with errors.

Invoice Date

Specify the date to use as the invoice date for each transaction. If an invoice date was specified when the transaction was entered in Vendor Invoice Center Entry, the invoice date in this field is not used.

The invoice date is usually the date on the vendor invoice. It is also used to calculate the terms and discount due dates. This is applicable to recurring invoices since an invoice date is not assigned when the invoice is initially entered into a recurring group. You can change the invoice date in Vendor Maintain Transactions Entry at a later time.

Receive DO POs

Select Yes to automatically receive a direct order purchase order (DO PO) when you are costing a single DO PO. The auto-receiving tolerances that are specified in SA Administrator Options-Vendors-Receiving are applied. Addons that are entered in Vendor Invoice Center Entry are applied to the tied sales order if you bill direct PO addons to sales orders. This is dependent upon the selection for Bill Direct PO Addons To Sales Orders in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Back Orders.

You can also select this option if you are updating a single invoice with multiple DO POs; however, no addons are billed to sales orders.

You must select Yes to process serial numbers that were included in the inbound EDI 810 documents, or specified manually in Vendor Invoice Center Entry.

Receiving Back Order Fill Printer

Specify the name of the device that is used for printing the Sales Entry Processing Back Order Fill Report. The report is generated by the automatic direct purchase order receiving process. The device name is determined by the print method you select when you click Printer Options. If you select Print or Fax, specify or look up a valid printer or fax machine. If you select File, specify the file name of the report output. If you select E-Mail, specify a valid email address.

Printer Options

Click this button to view the Select Printer Information window. Specify the method for printing the Back Order Fill Report that is generated by the automatic direct purchase order receiving process. Depending upon your print method, specify a device name or email address. Optionally, specify a Queue if you are printing to a printer and are using Report Viewer or Report Scheduler. Select Print Options Page to include your selections for the report options in the report output.

Reconcile-Print(Y)es, (N)o, (D)etail

Select Y to print a reconciliation report for matching transactions. Select N to print a report summary. Select D to both print the reconciliation report, and print the report with line detail and invoice totals for each purchase order.

Sort By (G)roup or (V)endor Invoice

Specify G to display the report by group.

Specify V Invoice to display the report by vendor invoice number.

Use (R)eceive Cost or (M)atch to Cost?

The default value is whatever you set the Value Inventory At option in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Purchase Orders-Accounting. You can change this field if the Allow User to Change AP Recon Costs option is selected in SA Operator Setup-Cost Controls for your operator record.

If you selected Yes for the Update option, indicate what cost you want to value inventory at.

Specify R to use the Purchase Order Entry cost last updated during the receiving process to cost the lines. When you specify R, the cost in Product Warehouse Product Setup is not changed. Any difference between the received cost and the invoice cost in Vendor Invoice Center Entry is posted to the GL Variance Account.

Specify M to indicate that the cost entered during Vendor Invoice Center Entry matching is used to cost the lines. When you specify Match to Cost, the Product Warehouse Product Setup average cost is updated if on hand or is applied to cost adjustment.

Override Quantity Tolerance?

Select Yes if you have already run reconciliation for the group and want to bypass the tolerance checks.

Select No the first time you process reconciliation for a group.

When processing reconciliation, comparisons are made to either the vendor tolerances in Vendor Setup or the company tolerances in SA Administrator Options. To override the quantity tolerances set up in the system and cost the transaction regardless of a quantity discrepancy, select Yes. The record and purchase order stage must be valid. To accept the tolerances defined in the system, select No. If you select Yes but do not have the correct operator security to override tolerances, a message is displayed and the report does not process.

Note:  Depending on the selections you make for overriding the other two tolerances, the transaction may not be costed even if you select this option.
Override Line Amount Tolerance?

Select Yes if you have already run reconciliation for the group and want to bypass the tolerance checks.

Select No the first time you process reconciliation for a group.

When processing reconciliation, comparisons are made to either the vendor tolerances in Vendor Setup or the company tolerances in SA Administrator Options. To override the line amount tolerances set up in the system and cost the transaction regardless of a line amount discrepancy, select Yes. The record and purchase order stage must be valid. To accept the tolerances defined in the system, select No. If you select Yes but do not have the correct operator security to override tolerances, a message is displayed and the report does not process.

Note:  Depending on the selections you make for overriding the other two tolerances, the transaction may not be costed even if you select this option.
Override Invoice Amount Tolerance?

Select Yes if you have already run reconciliation for the group and want to bypass the tolerance checks.

Select No the first time you process reconciliation for a group.

When processing reconciliation, comparisons are made to either the vendor tolerances set up in Vendor Setup or the company tolerances set up in SA Administrator Options. To override the invoice amount tolerances set up in the system and cost the transaction regardless of an invoice amount discrepancy, select Yes. The record and purchase order stage must be valid. To accept the tolerances defined in the system, select No. If you select Yes but do not have the correct operator security to override tolerances, a message is displayed and the report does not process.

Note:  Depending on the selections you make for overriding the other two tolerances, the transaction may not be costed even if you select this option.
Override Invoice Proof Out of Balance?

Select Yes to override the proof balance and reconcile the invoice.

When you performed matching, if there was a proof and the proof was posted, the invoice and PO are considered to be out of balance. To reconcile transactions even if the proofs are out of balance, select Yes. If you select No, the invoice is not reconciled, and this message is displayed:
 Invoice Amount Not Equal To PO Amount, Manually Review
GL Variance Account

Specify a General Ledger account number to post discrepancies if these conditions are met:

  • Costing and receiving amounts do not match .
  • You specified R for the Use (R)eceive Cost or (M)atch to Cost option.

Specify the full account number with delimiters. If you do not enter an account number, or you specify an invalid number, reconciliation discrepancies are posted one of these accounts:

  1. The variance account for the operator. It is set up in SA Operator Setup.
  2. The variance account for the R&D operator. This account is used if a variance account is not set up for the operator.
Include Recurring Groups?

Select Yes to include recurring groups in the report.

Post recurring groups on a monthly basis. If you attempt to post a transaction in a recurring group, a message is displayed if the transaction was posted less than 30 days ago. You can still update the transaction.

Adjust Inv Tol if Line Tol Overridden

Select Yes to adjust the invoice variance by the variance amount for each invoice line where the line tolerance was overridden on the PO Line Entry window.

Select No to ignore the line tolerances that were overridden. In this case, the line variance does not affect the invoice variance.

Consider Warnings Critical

Select Yes if you are in update mode and you want to specify that warning errors should be considered critical. This prevents invoice updating.

During the final update, terms on the invoice are compared to terms on each PO that is costed against the invoice. If the terms do not match, this message is included on the report: PO Terms Different Than Invoice Terms.

Recon Override: (L)ine, (B)O, (I)tem

Leave this option blank to use the recon type on the Vendor Invoice Center Entry record.

If these conditions are met, the value of the Recon Type field in Vendor Invoice Center Entry is changed even if the invoice has costing errors:

  • You specify a value for this option.
  • You select Yes for the Update (NO = Error Checking Only) option.

If these conditions are met, an error check occurs, but the value of the Recon Type field is not changed:

  • You specify a value for this option. This value is used for the error check.
  • You select No for the Update (NO = Error Checking Only) option.