SA Administrator Options - Documents - Transfer Orders - Replenishment field descriptions
- Default Line Acceptance
This option determines default value of the Acp field for review lines in Transfer Demand Center Entry. The default value is either yes, no, or blank.
The Transfer Entry Recommended Replenishment Action Report, also called the WT RRAR, creates lines that are displayed in the Transfer Demand Center Entry. For each product that requires replenishment, a transfer review line is created. A warehouse review line is also created for each warehouse that has surplus of the product. The transfer review lines are displayed first, followed by warehouse review lines. You can accept multiple lines as long as they do not exceed the recommended order quantity.
Select an option to determine which lines are marked for acceptance when you first review the lines created by the WT RRAR. You can override the default settings; it is the buyer’s responsibility to make the final replenishment option decision. Lines that are not accepted are deleted when the Transfer Entry RRAR Merge Process Report is run.
- Default Line Acceptance to No - The Acp default value for all transfer and warehouse review lines is no, except for nonstock and special products. The default value for these products is yes. Specify yes for the lines you want to accept.
- Default Line Acceptance to Yes - The Acp default value for all transfer review lines is yes, and the default value for all warehouse review lines is no. Yes is displayed for nonstock and special lines. You must specify no for the lines you do not want.
- If no Product Line, use ROQ
When selected, the Transfer Entry Recommended Replenishment Action Report uses the Order Quantity in the Ordering or Seasonality section of Product Warehouse Product Setup-Ordering when calculating order quantity if no product line is set up in Product Line Setup. The Apply Halfway Rounding Rules setting on the Transfer Entry Recommended Replenishment Action Report applies to this quantity.
If this option is not selected, the Transfer Entry Recommended Replenishment Action Report uses the line point minus purchasing net available formula to calculate the quantity to be transferred. No halfway rounding is done.
- Print Surplus not Taken on the RRAR Merge Report
Select this option to print those products where surplus existed on the Transfer Entry Recommended Replenishment Action Report but were not accepted in Transfer Entry Demand Center Entry. All warehouses that contain the same product in surplus quantities print on the Transfer Entry RRAR Merge Process Report.
- Push Stock On Hand To
For the Ship From Warehouse and the Push option in Product Warehouse Product Setup-General is selected, a Transfer Entry Recommended Replenishment Action Report is generated and merged for your warehouse. Use this option to specify the quantity you can push to your branches.
- If you select Push Stock On Hand to Zero, you can ship as much as your net available quantity indicates. This potentially brings your product’s net available to zero.
- If you select Push Stock On Hand to Safety Level, you can ship out quantities until the product’s level is at the safety point.
- If you select Push Stock On Hand to Order Point, you can ship out quantities until the product’s level is at the order point.