Product Warehouse Description Setup - Count field descriptions
Fields are presented in alphabetical order within each section.
Click a link to access field descriptions for that section:
Physical Count
- Additional Bin Display
This value determines how the long forms print when count sheets are printed in Product Entry Physical Count Report if products have additional bin locations set up. Choose Bin Loc to print in bin location order; choose Primary to print by primary location.
Note: Warehouse Manager and unavailable locations do not change their order (by bin location) because they carry a quantity value themselves. - Auto Prompt Entry
After inventory has been counted, the count is entered through Product Count Entry. Each time physical count sheets or tickets are run, they are assigned a run number. Entries made through Product Count Entry are entered by run number. If you want each line to automatically appear, select this option, and the operator is only required to enter the count. If you want warehouse personnel to specify each sequence or ticket number and then specify the count, clear this option.
Note: If you select this option, the cursor moves to the Qty Counted field as long as the first entry in the run has not been entered. If it has, navigate to the first sequence number on the run that has not been entered and manually type the sequence number. If the next sequence number in the run has not been entered previously, the cursor remains in the Qty Counted field when the next line appears. When all sequences on the run are entered, you are returned to the Sequence Number field. - Print Count Sheets
If you are using count sheets, select this option and count sheets will print. Count sheets are used when performing a sheet-to-shelf count.
Tickets and count sheets can print at the same time but must print from different printers.
- Print Tickets
If you are using inventory tickets, select this option and tickets will print. You will be required to use ticket numbers during reconciliation. Inventory tickets are numbered tickets used to help eliminate double counting. A numbered ticket is completed and attached to the merchandise counted. After the count is completed, each range is examined for uncounted items.
Tickets and count sheets can print at the same time but must print from different printers.
- Sheet Format
If you are using a custom sheet format, specify the format number. The standard format is 1.
- Show Expected
Select this option and the expected quantities appear during count entry and are included on all printouts. The expected quantity is the available count quantity shown by the system.
When this field is cleared and you are conducting a blind count, the Confirm Zero Counted window does not appear in Product Count Entry if the quantity is
. This reduces the keying time and errors by assuming a 0 indicates no change in the quantity. - Standard Range Method
Choose either Vendor, Product, Class, Bin, or Category. Designed for efficiency purposes in record extraction during Product Entry Physical Count.
The range method you select for this option corresponds to the range you select in Product Entry Physical Count to facilitate the processing of the program.
For example, if you choose Category, a valid product category must be specified for the Category range in Product Entry Physical Count. If you do not select a range in Product Entry Physical Count, this field is not used, and only products that are marked with the Product Warehouse Products Setup Count Required option is selected are included on the Product Entry Physical Count report.
- Ticket Format
If you are using a custom ticket format, specify the format number. The standard format is 1.
- Use Ticket Numbers
If you are using inventory tickets, select this option. If this option is selected, ticket numbers are required during entry in Product Count Entry and are included on the Product Entry Physical Reconciliation Report.
Cycle Count
- Additional Bin Display
This value determines how the long forms print when count sheets are printed in Product Entry Cycle Count Report if products have additional bin locations set up. Choose Bin Loc to print in bin location order; choose Primary to print by primary location.
Note: Warehouse Manager and unavailable locations do not change their order (by bin location) because they carry a quantity value themselves. - Auto Prompt Entry
After inventory is counted, the count is entered through Product Count Entry. Each time cycle count sheets or tickets are run, they are assigned a run number. Entries made through Product Count Entry are entered by run number. If you want each line to automatically appear, select this option, and the operator is only required to enter the count. If you want warehouse personnel to specify each sequence or ticket number and then specify the count, clear this option.
Note: If you select this option, the cursor moves to the Qty Counted field as long as the first entry in the run has not been entered. If it has, navigate to the first sequence number on the run that has not been entered and manually specify the sequence number. If the next sequence number in the run has not been entered previously, the cursor remains in the Qty Counted field when the next line appears. When all sequences on the run are entered, you are returned to the Sequence Number field. - Bin Last Counted
Do not change this field except to reset the starting point. Each time a cycle count is performed, this field is updated with the last bin counted. If this field is blank, the starting point is the beginning.
- Print Count Sheets
If you are using count sheets, select this option and count sheets will print. Count sheets are used when performing a sheet-to-shelf count.
Tickets and count sheets can print at the same time but must print from different printers.
- Print Tickets
If you are using inventory tickets, select this option and tickets will print. You will be required to use ticket numbers during reconciliation. Inventory tickets are numbered tickets used to help eliminate double counting. A numbered ticket is completed and attached to the merchandise counted. After the count is completed, each range is examined for uncounted items.
Tickets and count sheets can print at the same time but must print from different printers.
- Product Last Counted
Do not change this field except to reset the starting point. Each time a cycle count is performed, this field is updated with the last product counted. If this field is blank, the starting point is the beginning.
- Sheet Format
If you are using a custom sheet format, specify the format number. The standard format is 1.
- Show Expected
Select this option and the expected quantities appear during count entry and are included on all printouts. The expected quantity is the available count quantity shown by the system.
When this field is cleared and you are conducting a blind count, the Confirm Zero Counted window will not appear in Product Count Entry if the quantity is
. This reduces the keying time and errors by assuming a 0 indicates no change in the quantity. - Ticket Format
If you are using a custom ticket format, specify the format number. The standard format is 1.
- Use Ticket Numbers
If you are using inventory tickets, select this option. If this option is selected, ticket numbers are required during entry in Product Count Entry and are included on the Product Entry Physical Reconciliation Report.