Product Customer/Vendor Core Report ranges and options


(C)ustomer or (V)endor Report

Specify Customer to print a customer report. If you also select Yes to the If Customer, Print Aging option, the aging detail is included for each customer and product.

Specify Vendor to print a vendor report.

(D)ealer or (A)ll

This option applies if you are printing a customer report.

Specify Dealer to print only dealers. Those are customers identified as dealers on the Customer Setup record.

Specify All to print all customers.

If Customer, Print Aging?

Select Yes if you also specified Customer for the (C)ustomer or (V)endor Report option, and the aging detail is included for each customer and product.

Note: The customer number range is only applicable when you run the report for outstanding dirty (used) core products the customer owes you.
Page Break Between Customer/Vendor

Select Yes to insert a page break between each customer or vendor.

As Of Date

The end of the date you specify sets by which the date that inventory is cut off. To run the report for the current day, set the Page Break Between Customer/Vendor option to No and specify asterisks in this option. This improves the reports performance.

To specify a length of time, specify a date.

For example, if you specify 03/01/19 and a customer returned a dirty core product on that day, it would not be included on the report because the dirty core product was not in inventory at the end of the day. You can also specify wildcard values to go back one period or up to 7 days when running a report by specifying -1 in the period field or -7 in the day field.

When calculating as of dates for vendor transactions, the report uses this logic:
  • The core due date recorded on the Product Adjust Core Master Entry record >= as of date unless the Suppress Print of Expired Cores option is set to No.
  • When you specify Open in the (O)pen,(C)losed, (E)xp, (I)nv As Of, (A)ll option, the Product Adjust Core Master Entry invoice date is <= as of date.
  • When you specify Closed in the (O)pen,(C)losed, (E)xp, (I)nv As Of, (A)ll option, the Product Adjust Core Master Entry invoice date is < as of date.
  • When you specify Expired in the (O)pen,(C)losed, (E)xp, (I)nv As Of, (A)ll option, the Product Adjust Core Master Entry invoice date is < as of date.
When calculating as of dates for customer transactions, the report uses this logic:
  • The core due date recorded on the Product Adjust Core Master Entry record >= as of date unless the Suppress Print of Expired Cores option is set to No.
  • When you specify Open in the (O)pen,(C)losed, (E)xp, (I)nv As Of, (A)ll option, the Product Adjust Core Master Entry invoice date is < as of date.
  • When you specify Closed in the (O)pen,(C)losed, (E)xp, (I)nv As Of, (A)ll option, the Product Adjust Core Master Entry invoice date is < as of date.
  • When you specify Expired in the (O)pen,(C)losed, (E)xp, (I)nv As Of, (A)ll option, the Product Adjust Core Master Entry invoice date is < as of date.
  • The entered date on the order header is <= as of date.
Suppress Print of Expired Cores?

Select Yes and dirty core products that have a due date prior to the As Of Date option are not included in the report.

(O)pen, (C)losed, (E)xp, (I)nv As Of, (A)ll

This option works with the As Of Date option. Refer to the description for the As Of Date option for the logic used to calculate as of dates for customer transactions.

Month Of History

Specify the numbers of months of historical date you want to include on the report. A date is calculated based on this formula:

The current date – (30 x number of months history)

Accept the default to include all available history.

If the Product Adjust Core Master Entry transaction date is less than or equal to this calculated date, the purchase or sale is not included on the report.

Print Cost?

Select Yes to print the cost with the line item.

Enter List of Customers/Vendors?

Select Yes to display the List button. Click List to access the Customer/Vendor List window and specify an unlimited number of customers or vendors on a list.

Note: This option overrides any ranges you may have specified.
Print Invoice/PO Detail?

Select Yes to print document details related to the dirty core product for the customer or vendor. Invoice or purchase order information is included for the customer or vendor.