Transfer Shipping Entry field descriptions
Fields are presented in alphabetical order in each section.
- # of Packages
- The number of packages associated with this transfer. This field is useful in making sure all packages are properly accounted for when they are shipped and subsequently received at the ShipTo warehouse.
- Amount Ordered
- The total net sales of all the line items ordered on this transfer. This does not include the addon amounts and is based on the quantity shipped.
- Amount Shipped
- The total net value, excluding addons, of all the line items shipped on the warehouse transfer.
- Authorize
- From Transfer Entry header. Use to authorize stock transfers between warehouses. If you request stock from another warehouse, you may be required to obtain an authorization number.
- Capitalized Addon Amount
- One capitalized warehouse transfer addon can be added to each transfer. The addon entered on the Transfer Entry header will default on each transfer entered for this warehouse to ship to the ShipTo warehouse. When you enter a transfer to ShipTo another warehouse, the capitalized addon is calculated and the Distribute By option on the ShipFrom warehouse’s Product Warehouse Description Setup record is ignored. It is considered revenue at the ShipFrom warehouse. After the transfer is received at the ShipTo warehouse, the Distribute By option on the appropriate Product Warehouse Description Setup record is checked to determine how the capitalized addon will be handled. In other words, the addon amount is from the ShipFrom warehouse and the distribution method is from the ShipTo warehouse.
- Capitalized Addon Net
- The net amount of the capitalized addon is displayed next to the Cap Addon Type field. When transfer markup addons functionality is activated, and the Line Markup Addons option is displayed, these fields are read-only and both show the order total of the markup addon.
- Capitalized Addon Type
- The Capitalized Addon Type is a Percent or Amount. Percent is calculated as a percent of the entire transfer. Amount is calculated as a flat rate. For the Percent and Amount options, the addon is for the complete transfer, not each line item.
- Cube
- The total volume of all products transferred. The cube is always based on the stocking quantity of the products shipped because that is the way they are set up in Product Setup. For a nonstock product that does not have volume assigned, the volume is automatically 1 after the transfer is shipped. This ensures that any capitalized addons will be prorated to the nonstock lines when addons are allocated in the receiving warehouse by cube. If you allocate addons based on weight or cube, and need to record weight or cube on a nonstock product, set it up as a catalog product in Product Catalog Setup.
- Due Date
- From Transfer Entry. Indicates the date the ShipTo warehouse transfer is to be received from the ShipFrom warehouse. The due date is calculated by taking the longest lead time from all lines on the transfer and adding that value to the order date. This method helps to guarantee that the due date allows for the product with the longest lead time to be received on time. If the ARP (Authorized Replenishment Path) is followed, the Average Lead Time from the ShipTo warehouse’s Product Warehouse Product Setup record is used, otherwise, the Default Lead Time on Non-ARP Transfer setting in SA Administration-Administrator Options-Documents-Transfer Orders-Processing is used.
- Expense Addon
- The addon available for you to place on a warehouse transfer is an expensed addon. This addon comes from the ShipFrom warehouse’s Product Warehouse Description Setup record on each transfer entered for this warehouse to ship to the ShipTo warehouse. The addon is considered revenue for the ShipFrom warehouse. The expensed addon will not be expensed until the transfer is received by the ShipTo warehouse. The addon will be expensed to the Addon Expense account you specify on the Product Warehouse Description Setup record for the ShipTo warehouse.
- Expense Addon Net
- The net amount of the expensed addon is displayed next to the Expense Addon Type field.
- Expense Addon Type
- The Expensed Addon Type is a Percent or Amount. Percent is calculated as a percent of the entire transfer. Amount is calculated as a flat rate. For the Percent and Amount options, the addon is for the complete transfer, not each line item.
- Ignore Lead Time / Use Lead Time
- Determines if the lead time should be recalculated for each line item once it is received through Transfer Receipt of Inventory Entry. Generally, this field will not be selected so lead times will be recalculated. For each warehouse transfer back order created during Transfer Receipt of Inventory Entry, the Ignore Lead Time option is selected because once the back ordered products are finally received, the lead time is no longer accurate. The Ignore Lead Time field may also have been selected if you are receiving the transfer through an unusual method or source. The lead time may be unusually short or long; therefore, you do not want the lead time to be recalculated for this transfer.
- Instructions
- From the Transfer Entry record. The instructions are user defined. They should be related to special instructions needed for the ShipFrom warehouse to ship the warehouse transfer to the ShipTo warehouse. This field can be used for other user-defined purposes. If a Direct Order was created from Sales Order Entry, the instructions entered on the sales order is displayed on the warehouse transfer. The shipping instructions print on all warehouse transfers.
- Line Markup Addons
- When the transfer markup addon functionality is activated, the Line Markup Addons option is displayed as a read-only indicator.
- OE/VA #
- A Direct Order or line Direct Order placed through Sales Order Entry automatically creates a direct warehouse transfer order. The direct warehouse transfer must be dedicated to one sales order.
- Order Date
- From Transfer Entry. The order date the transfer was requested from the ShipTo warehouse is displayed. If a transfer is not immediately approved but placed in the Requested stage, the order date indicates how long ago a transfer was entered before it was approved.
- Package ID
- Optional and user defined. If you assign identification numbers to the packages that leave your warehouse, use this field to track shipments.
- Phone
- From Product Warehouse Description Setup. Display purposes only.
- Picker/Picked By
- The operator’s initials are automatically displayed.
- Quantity Ordered
- The total quantity ordered for all line items on the transfer and is expressed in stocking unit quantities.
- Quantity Shipped
- The total quantity available to ship, or shipped, for all line items on the transfer and is expressed in stocking unit quantities.
- Received Date
- The date the warehouse transfer was received.
- Reference
- If you entered a reference during Transfer Entry, it is displayed here. This is user-defined and is used to further explain any necessary information associated with this warehouse transfer.
- Required Ship Date
- From Transfer Entry. The date the ShipTo warehouse requests the transfer to be shipped is displayed. When the transfer is created in Transfer Entry or Transfer Entry Recommended Replenishment Action Report , the Additional Days for Calculating Requested Ship Date field in SA Administration-Administrator Options-Document-Sales Orders-Entry Settings is used to determine the correct requested ship date. The value in the Additional Days for Calculating Requested Ship Date field is added to today’s date. For example, a transfer may be entered today but should not ship for another three days. This date is used during Transfer Entry Print WT Report to determine the date the transfer should initially be printed.
- Rush
- Specifies if the transfer needs to be received earlier than normal.
- Ship From
- From the ShipFrom warehouse fields on the Transfer Entry transfer. Display purposes only.
- Ship To
- From the ShipTo warehouse fields on the Transfer Entry transfer. If a Direct Order was created, the customer address is displayed in the Ship To Name, Address, City, State, and Zip fields.
- Ship Via
- Most common form of transportation used to receive transfers from this ShipFrom warehouse. From the ShipFrom warehouse record. The Ship Via records are set up in SA Table Code Value Setup. Prints on all warehouse transfers.
- Stage Area
- From Transfer Entry header. Used to tell the warehouse personnel where to store the transfer while it is being prepared for shipment. Staging areas include aisles, racks, shelves, bins, floor sections, dock areas, and so on. The staging area prints on all warehouse transfers.
- Weight
- The total weight of all products transferred. Is always based on the stocking quantity of the products transferred because that is the way they are set up in Product Setup. For a nonstock product that does not have weight assigned, the weight is automatically 1 after the transfer is shipped. This ensures that any capitalized addons will be prorated to the nonstock lines when addons are allocated in the receiving warehouse by weight.
Line Items
- BO #
- The Back Order number. If you specify a new quantity shipped that is less than the original quantity, the difference may be back ordered, based on the B/O field on the line. The Backorder field value comes from Transfer Entry and can be changed during Transfer Shipping Entry, if necessary. If theBackorder setting in the Extended Fields of Transfer Entry is cleared, this field in Transfer Shipping Entry will default to cleared, but is enterable. When you click to update files, back orders are created for all lines requiring one, and the Transfer Demand field in Product Warehouse Product Setup will be updated with the back order quantity.
- Bin Location
- If a bin location is assigned to this product, that location is displayed here. A bin location is a unique ID assigned to every storage location in a warehouse. Pick tickets and the Directed Bin Put Away Report reflect the bin location to which the product has been assigned.
- Description
- From Product Setup. For nonstock products, the description entered on the Non-Stock window is displayed.
- Hazardous
- Is selected [Yes] if the product is currently designated as MSDS in Product Setup.
- Line #
- Corresponds to the Transfer Entry line items. All the information you have available to you during Transfer Entry is not displayed in shipping; only pertinent shipping information is displayed. You can ship any transfer that has a quantity shipped that is greater than zero. If a back order is created for the line item, and a combination of line items is involved, you can ship the lines not tied to a purchase order or warehouse transfer. Once the tied purchase order or warehouse transfer is received, you can ship the balance of the transfer. Placing the line on a purchase order or Direct Order transfer means you specifically ordered the products from a vendor or another warehouse with the intent of transferring the products to the customer.
- Non-Stock Flag
- The Non-Stock/Special field value entered in Transfer Entry. This field indicates you are shipping a nonstock or special product. If a line contains a nonstock product and the Quantity Shipped field contains a quantity greater than zero, a cost must exist on the Non-Stock tab or this message is displayed: Cost Not Entered on a Non-Stock Product (5924).
- Product
- From Product Setup. To change the product, cancel your work on the transfer and go back to Transfer Entry to maintain the transfer.
- Quantity Ordered
- The total quantity ordered for this line and is expressed in stocking unit quantities.
- Quantity Ship
- The amount entered when the transfer was created. Optionally, you can modify this value. The quantity shipped is the quantity actually used to reserve stock in inventory, rather than the quantity ordered. If you specify a quantity greater than what was entered in Transfer Entry, this message is displayed: Quantity Shipped has Exceeded Qty Ordered.
- Reason Unavailable
- Used to set up descriptions assigned to products when they become unavailable for sale. The codes can be defined for recurring reasons such as damaged, incomplete, recalled, or obsolete. This field is validated with the SA Table Code Value Setup record. If an invalid reason is entered, or the adjustment was made of on hand or stock, this error message is displayed: Reason Required if Unavailable, Otherwise Leave Blank (6443).
- Serial/Lot
- If the product is serialized, the letter S is displayed in this field. If the product is a lot product, the letter L is displayed. All other products will have a blank.
- Status Message
- A message is displayed to indicate that an adjustment procedure that has been completed on the exception receipt. For example, if you choose to Adjust Ship From (Negative Difference), this message is displayed: Ship From Adjustment Complete.
- Stock Quantity Ordered
- The stocking quantity ordered in Transfer Entry is displayed.
- Stocking Quantity Received
- The quantity received by the ShipTo warehouse.
- Stocking Quantity Shipped
- The stocking quantity and unit shipped from the ShipFrom warehouse.
- Unit
- From Transfer Entry.