Administrative options for pricing
Ensure that the administrative options accurately reflect your business decisions:
In SA Administrator Options-Products-Pricing, you can select the price types to use when you set up records in PD Pricing Setup. Select the price types you intend to use in your pricing strategy.
See Price types.
You should only select the price types you plan to use. System performance is compromised if you select price types you do not use, because they are checked in addition to the price types you do use.
- Promotional pricing is only valid with type 7 (Product) and type 8 (Product Price Type). In Sales Order Entry, promotional records in these price types are checked first for a valid price before the type 1 price record is checked. After the promotional price has been determined, it is compared to the normal price calculated and the lower price prevails. If no promotional records are found, pricing records for type 1 through 8 are searched.
- All line items with the same product price type are added together to qualify for a better discount whenSpecial Price Type Discounts is selected. Special price type discounts occur at the end of each order and each time a line that affects the discount is changed. If you change this option, a message is displayed telling you to check for open orders because they could be affected by this modification. If you price by warehouse, set up discount records for each warehouse.
- Select Vendor Product Pricing to set up special product prices and discounts for merchandise you purchase from vendors. Only those products given special prices and discounts beyond the costs contained on the Product Warehouse Product Setup record require a vendor pricing record. Pricing records for vendors apply to all purchase orders created. Each record contains the information provided by the vendor for target buying, such as minimum quantity, vendor base price, vendor list price, quantity breaks, and discounts. When purchasing product that does not contain a special pricing record, the Cost Type Assignments specified in SA Administrator Options-Products-Costs are used when you create a purchase order.
- To develop your pricing structure by warehouse, select Pricing by Warehouse. You must enter and maintain customer pricing records, special price type discounts, and whole order discount records for each warehouse. This makes the pricing system larger and more cumbersome to maintain. Because costs, list prices, base prices, and price types are stored at the warehouse level on Product Warehouse Product Setup records, the PD Pricing Setup records may sometimes be unnecessary. If you leave the field blank, the setup applies to all warehouses; however, the same setup for a specific warehouse is honored. If you are pricing by warehouse, do not change this option after you set up records.
- To develop your pricing structure by region, select Pricing
by Region. Like warehouse records, you must maintain records for each
region. In the pricing level hierarchy, region falls between the warehouse or company
levels. If you enable regional pricing functionality, you can still set pricing records
by warehouse but an individual record can only be set at one level.
To use the region functionality, you must set up regions in SA Table Code Value Setup. Then, in Product Warehouse Description Setup-General, you can specify the region in which a warehouse is located. If you do not specify a region for a warehouse, region-based records are not applied in pricing and rebate functions for that warehouse throughout Distribution SX.e.
See Pricing by Region.
- Select Pricing by Ship To/Job to set up site-specific pricing records.
- When you set up pricing records or when you are changing prices, you
specify the factors that default to PD Pricing Setup when you are
setting up records.
See Rounding factors.