Customer Master Group Setup - General field descriptions

Fields are presented in alphabetical order within each section. Click a link to advance to that section.






Select this option to make the group active. Clear the check box to make the group inactive.


Specify up to three address lines. If you require only one line, use the first line. The address is included on all statements.

Address Override

The Address Override setting is part of the AvaTax Address Validation feature that ensures the address is valid for taxing. The Address Override setting is selected from the Address Validation pop-up. The pop-up window is automatically displayed from the tax-related address sections of this function if there are errors or differences. The Address Validation pop-up shows the current address side-by-side with the suggested AvaTax address. From the pop-up window, you can update the address. You can also select the Address Override option. This override accommodates a General Delivery address, which overrides the default behavior of AvaTax’s calculation. AvaTax instead makes the tax calculation from the General Delivery address and avoids an error. This is beneficial when the address is not in the United States Postal Service (USPS) database yet, such as with new construction.


Specify the city for the group.


Select the group’s country of origin. These values are set up in SA Table Code Value Setup-Country. This is currently an information-only field.

Specify a division to secure this customer group by division number. When you assign this group to a customer in Customer Setup, this limits users' access to only those customer records in customer groups that are assigned to an allowed division only. Users are also limited to viewing only those records assigned to their allowed division (or no division) in the Customer Master Group Setup grid. In addition, only those records assigned to the user's allowed divisions are included on the Customer Master Group Master Report.
During Customer Cash Receipts Entry, the Customer Master Group lookup displays only those records assigned to the user's allowed divisions, or no division. This limits entry of customer payments for groups assigned to allowed divisions only.
Divisions are set up in SA Table Code Value Setup.
Allowed divisions are assigned to each user in SA Operator Setup.
Geo Code

Use this field to further define a taxing jurisdiction. You may be located in Colorado, El Paso County, Colorado Springs, but there may be a further break down of your location for taxing purposes, for example, by postal code. This field is only accessible if Sovos GTD or Geo Code is selected in the Tax Interface field in SA Company Setup.

If you use Sovos GTD, you also must select the Geo Interface option in SA Company Setup. If it is, you can click the lookup button to view all Geo codes in this postal code. If you set up a Canadian group, the procedure is the same. Because there are no Canadian taxes at the local level, the Geocode lookup window displays the province in the City field and CN (Canada) in the State field. If the address information that is entered in the Geocode lookup produces an entry with a postal code with the same starting letter as the postal code in the address, the system assumes that the address is the correct taxing jurisdiction and it is not overwritten. If the starting letter is different, the system uses the data from the lookup.

Lookup Name

The lookup name for this group to use when searching for the group.


Specify the full name of the group you are setting up or maintaining. The group name is included on all reports and statements.

Out of City

Select this option to indicate that your company's address is outside the city limits with regard to taxing jurisdictions. This option is only used by the Sovos GTD interface.


Specify the state for the group.

Zip Code

Specify the ZIP code. The ZIP code can accommodate nine-digit numbers. You can cross reference the ZIP code to the tax table that is defined in SA Tax Table Setup. SA Tax Table Setup is designed to reduce the number of keystrokes that are required when you are setting up new group records. As you type the ZIP code, it is automatically cross-referenced to SA Tax Table Setup. If a record exists for that ZIP code, the taxing state and locality information are added to the new group record.


Allow Unearned Discounts

Select Bypass to apply unearned discounts that are based on customer settings. Select Yes to apply unearned discounts to all group members. Select No to not apply unearned discounts to any group member.

Apply Service Charges

Select Bypass to apply service charges based on customer settings in Customer Setup. Select Yes to apply service charges to all group members. Select No to not apply services to any group member.

If you select Yes, the typical system hierarchy that is used in the Customer Entry Roll Balances Report to find service charge records adjusts to place the group first.

If the SA Administrator Options setting is Customer, Division, or All, this is the hierarchy:

  1. Group
  2. Customer number
  3. Customer state
  4. SA Administrator Options default

If SA Administrator Options setting is by Ship To or All:

  1. Group
  2. Customer Ship To
  3. Ship To state
  4. SA Administrator Options default
    Note: Service charge is calculated with standard functionality after the rate is found using the group hierarchy.

Specify the group's currency if it is different than your company's currency. The default setting for this field is blank because it is assumed that the group uses the same currency as your company.

Note: A group's currency must be set up in SA Currency Setup before you set up the group record.

The value in the Currency field is used to validate if a Customer Setup record can be linked to the group. If you attempt to add a customer to an active group, and the currency set in the customer’s Customer Setup differs from the currency set in Customer Master Group Setup, an error message is displayed and the customer cannot be linked to the group. Additionally, if a customer is linked to a group, the currency setting on the group or customer record cannot be changed when the group is active.

Note: Changes that are made to settings at the group level do not update the customer record.


Agent Phone

Specify the group's purchasing agent's phone number.


Specify a comment that further defines the group or give specific details about the group, for example, Good customer, Cred Problem – Watch. The comments you specify here are displayed in Customer Inquiry.


Specify the email address for the group. This field can be used when email is an output option for reports.

Fax Phone

Specify the group's fax number. Fax numbers should not contain any formatting characters, such as parentheses and dashes, if automatic fax machines are used. If the number is long distance, specify 1 before the phone number. If the fax number is a local number, you can also specify an L in front of the number to indicate the number is a local number.

Phone #

Specify the group’s telephone number. The last four characters are designated for an extension. Do not include parentheses or hyphens. The phone number field uses the format you set up at the company level in SA Administrator Options-System-Options. The default for the setting enables U.S. and Canadian companies to use the existing default format.

Purchase Agent

Specify the name of the group’s purchasing agent. This is generally the person who deals with the company sales representative and places all purchase orders.