Vendor Service Level Analysis Report ranges and options


See Report ranges.


Only Vendors With Service Level < ?

If you leave this option at zero, vendors of all service levels are included on the report. If you enter a service level percentage, only vendors with a service level less than or equal to that percentage are included. Use this option to determine vendors that are providing the poorest service to you.

Use these formats when you specify percentages:

For 80%, specify 80.00

For .8 %, specify 0.80

Include Comp Late Orders in Service Lev?

Select Yes to include completed, but late, purchase orders to determine the service level.

Select No to include only those completed, and timely, purchase orders to determine the service level.

Complete and timely purchase orders are those where the receipt date is less than or equal to the due date and all the line items were filled completely (quantity received is less than or equal to the quantity ordered).

Totals Only?

Select Yes to print only the grand total at the end of the report. The individual vendor total lines do not print. The grand totals provide you with the overall service level status for all vendors.

Include Backorders In Service Level?

Select Yes to include back order amounts in all report calculations.

Select No to exclude back order amounts.