There are no ranges for this report.
- Journal #
- Specify the number of the journal to be
- Period to Use for Reversals
- Specify the period to be associated with the reversed
transactions. This option is useful if you have closed prior periods and want to reflect
any adjustments in the current period.
- To go back one period, specify -1 in
this field. For example, if you specify -1**, the period before
the current period of the current year is used. If the current period is 0820, 0720 is
used for the report.
- Posting Date
- Specify a number between -1 and -7 in the day segment to go
back up to 7 days. For example, if you specify **/-7/**, the
current date less 7 days is used for the date.
- New Batch Name
Specify a new batch name. It must be a new name. The name cannot currently exist
in GL Batch Setup.
If you specify a new batch name, new transactions are written to the internal
GLEBT file in their original form. At this point, you can maintain the transactions
with the corrections and repost them in GL Entry Batch Update
When the batch file is created, transactions are updated with the following
- Batch Name: New Batch Name
- Set #: The original set numbers are used
- Trans #: The original transaction numbers are used
- Description: Reversed ########
- Type: One-time
- Operator: spaces
If multiple references exist per transaction, only the reference
contained on the GL Transaction Entry record is retained in the
batch file.
- Set Posting Date in Batch?
- Select Yes to use the
original transaction date.
- Select No to use the
posting date of the reversal.