Sales Export Data ranges and options


This report does not contain ranges.


Warehouse for Export?
Specify the warehouse to create an export file for.
Stages to Export? (Comma Sep, Ex 1,2,3)
Indicate the order and transfer stages to include in the export file. Invoiced orders and Quote (QU) orders are not eligible for routing. This option does not apply to purchase orders. You must have a Direct Route Cust/Vendor/Whse Setup record for each purchase order in stages 1 through 3 to route purchase orders.
OE Types? (Comma Sep, Ex SO,BR,RM)
Specify a comma-separated list of order types to include in the export file. This list applies to sales orders only. Warehouse transfers and Direct Order transfers are controlled by the Include Warehouse Transfers in Export option.
Ship via’s? (Comma Sep List)
Specify a comma-separated list of ship vias to include in the export file. Orders, transfers, and purchase orders with matching ship vias are included in the export file.
Promise Date
Use this option in conjunctions with previous options. Orders and transfers with a promised date that falls on or before this date are included in the export file.

To print all of the orders within the specified parameters, specify 12/31/49.

Specify -1 to -7 in the day field to go back, up to 7 days. For example, if you specify **/-7/** , the current date less 7 days is used for the date.

Days to Allow Forward

You can add days to the promised date as a buffer to allow for unexpected events or non-business days and guarantee that you deliver the orders and transfers on time. This values represents actual working days, with the Saturday and Sunday Shipments field in Product Warehouse Description Setuptaken into consideration.

For example, it is Thursday, and you want to create an export file. Your company ships on Saturday but is closed on Sunday. Specify 3 for this option to print pick tickets for Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Monday.

Include Warehouse Transfers in Export?
Select Yes to include qualifying warehouse transfers and Direct Order transfers in the export file for routing.
Include PO’s in Export?
Select Yes to include Direct Route Cust/Vendor/Whse Setup records for purchase orders in the export file.
Create (S)top or (E)xternal Export File?

Specify whether to create an .stp (stop) or .ext (external) export file. An .stp file contains the delivery times, an .ext file does not. The .ext file can be imported into Direct Route and the .stp file that is generated, using the delivery times from Direct Route In the .stp file, delivery times are formatted as Open1, Close1, and Pattern1. Delivery times are used by Distribution SX.e, based on this hierarchy:

  1. Ship to addeess
  2. Customer
  3. Order

Pattern1 indicates the days of the week and are represented by MTWRF, which is Monday - Friday.
