Sales order stages

As an order is entered, picked, shipped, and invoiced, it passes through corresponding stages that upgrade the order with certain criteria. This table shows the stages and criteria that accompany each stage. 

Stage Number Stage Description Valid Order Types Effect on Inventory
0 Entered Orders that are in this stage are never invoiced. They might be converted to orders that reserve stock and are then invoice processed. BL, BR, ST, FO, QU No Effect
1 Ordered

New orders, with the above exceptions, are assigned this stage.

If the order is a back order, Ord BO is displayed in the Stage field on the order banner.

SO, DO, RM Reserved Increased
2 Picked When a pick ticket is printed, the order advances to this stage. SO, BR, RM

Committed Increased,

Reserved Decreased,

Selling Net Available unchanged

3 Shipped If an order is processed in Sales Entry Shipping Feedback or is a Counter Sale (CS) or Correction (CR) order, it is upgraded to this stage. After an order is moved to Stage 3, it cannot be maintained in Sales Order Entry. It must be unshipped in Sales Entry Shipping Feedback, changed, then reshipped. If you must change a CS, or CR, an authorization may be required from a supervisor with grant authority. SO, BR, RM, DO, CS, CR No effect
4 Invoiced Orders that are processed in Sales Entry Processing Invoice Processing are upgraded to this stage. An invoiced order becomes inactive and cannot be altered. SO, CS, BR, DO

On Hand Decreased,

Committed Decreased

5 Paid

When an order is paid in full, it is upgraded to this stage.

When a Credit (CR) or Return Merchandise (RM) order is processed, it is upgraded to this stage. If the RM is not tied to an order, a Misc Credit is created.

SO, CS, CR, RM, BR, DO No effect
9 Canceled A canceled order is upgraded to this stage. All Reversed