SA Administrator Options - Vendors - Invoice Defaults field descriptions
- Allow Duplicate Invoice Numbers
Select this option to enable operators to enter duplicate invoice numbers in Vendor Invoice Center Entry, Vendor Entry Batch Update Report, or Vendor Entry Group EDI Invoice Processing Report.
If this option is selected and a duplicate invoice number is entered, this message is displayed: Warning: Inactive Transaction With That Number Exists (8639). After the operator is granted authorization, invoice entry can proceed.
If this option is not selected, this message is displayed: Transaction With That Number Already Exists (5535). The operator cannot continue with invoice entry even if they are granted authorization. Determine the reason for the duplicate number, correct the number, and process or abandon the transaction.
- Default to Immediate Pay
This option determines the default setting for the Pay option in Vendor Invoice Center Entry during posting.
Do not select this option if your system is set up as an accrual system. For invoices entered through Vendor Invoice Center Entry, using the accrual method, a scheduled payment record is written to the transaction file. Scheduled payment records then accrue until payment is requested through the Vendor Entry Pay Invoices Due Report.
In Vendor Invoice Center Entry, the Pay option for the transaction is not selected. You can override this during entry.
Select this option to set up your system as an immediate payment system. Using the immediate payment method, each invoice entered through Vendor Invoice Center Entry produces an Immediate Payment record in the transaction file. The Pay option for the transaction is selected in Vendor Invoice Center Entry. After an invoice has been entered for immediate payment, it is marked as paid. Checks for these items are then ready to print immediately through the Vendor Entry Check Print Report without having to be requested through the Vendor Entry Pay Invoices Due Report.
- Enable AP Freight Allocation
Select this option to automatically pass the freight charges from the vendor's purchase order to a tied sales order. When automatic freight allocation is enabled, default freight terms are assigned to the purchase order from the sales order or from the vendor record, depending on the Freight Terms Type. The Freight Terms Type is set for each Freight Term record in SA Table Code Value Setup. You can also define an addon in SA Order Entry Addon Setup as a freight type addon to include a freight upcharge in addition to the freight allocated from the PO. When the sales invoice is costed in Vendor Invoice Center Entry, all freight charges are accumulated into a single freight amount on the invoice.
- Hold Direct Orders Until Customer Payment Received
Select this option to hold payment of a vendor’s invoice for a Direct Order (DO) until your customer pays for the merchandise. Upon payment from your customer, the invoice is available for payment in the Vendor Cash Requirements Report and Vendor Entry Pay Invoices Due Report.
To allow the invoice to be paid, regardless of the status of payment from your customer, do not select this option.
- Take Terms Discount on Misc Credit
Select this option if your vendors require that you take terms discounts on miscellaneous credits. When invoices qualify for a discount, miscellaneous credits that are applied to the invoice are also reduced by the discount amount in the Vendor Entry Pay Invoices Due Report.
For example, a vendor invoices you $10,000. You have $1,000 credit on account. After applying 2% terms discount to invoice, the invoice amount is 9,800. Misc credit is $980 so $8,820 is due to the vendor.
If you do not select this option, miscellaneous credits do not have terms discounts applied by the Vendor Entry Pay Invoices Due Report. In the example above, the amount due would be $8,800 if this option is not selected.
If this option is not selected, credits display in the Current column of the Vendor Cash Requirements Report. This regardless of the due date on the miscellaneous credit, but only up to the amount you owe the vendor. Additional credits beyond what you owe are displayed in the Future column.
Note: This option is not applicable in Vendor Apply Misc Credit Entry because discounts are not taken on miscellaneous credits in that function. - Vendor Invoice Center Entry Addon Allocation Method
Use this option to indicate how to allocate capitalized addons on trade invoices with multiple purchase orders. The option you specify is the default value when you process invoices in Vendor Invoice Center Entry. Select one of these values:
- Invoice: This is the default method. When purchase orders are costed, capitalized addons are allocated across the lines of all the POs. This is based on the addon distribution method (dollar, unit, cube, weight) specified for the addon in SA Table Code Value Setup-Purchase Order Addons.
- Purchase Order: Select this option to apply capitalized addons per purchase order. You can apply addons by amount to each purchase order, and insert or delete an addon for the selected purchase order.
- Both - Default Invoice: If you use both allocation methods but use the Invoice method more frequently, select this option. Invoice is the default method in Vendor Invoice Center Entry, but you can change to Purchase Order method.
- Both - Default PO: If you use both allocation methods but use the Purchase Order method more frequently, select this option. Purchase Order is the default method in Vendor Invoice Center Entry, but you can change to Invoice method.
The allocation type, Invoice (IN) or Purchase Order (PO), display on Vendor Inquiry-Transactions for Invoice type transactions. It is also be printed on the Vendor Transaction Activity Report.
Note: This option is applicable to non-batch processed invoices only.