National Program claim processing
- Vendor Entry Group EDI Invoice Processing Report
- Vendor Invoice Center Entry
- Customer Cash Receipt Entry
Vendor Entry Group EDI Invoice Processing Report
You can process a OE Correction (CR) claim order using an EDI810 data file and the Vendor Entry Group EDI Invoice Processing Report. Then, manually edit the data and perform a final update through Vendor Invoice Center Entry.
- the Vendor Claim#, generated from the Customer Setup settings, or
- the Distributor Claim#, which is the order entry number for the Correction (CR) claim order.
The value a vendor sends must be placed in a new Vendor Claim# field in the EDI810 flat file.
- Validate the Vendor Claim# sent by the vendor:
- Find the claim# sent in the transaction. The value exists in either the Vendor Claim# or OE# fields in the PDENH transaction table. If the number is not found, an error is displayed: Vendor Claim# cannot be found (7061).
- The OE Correction (CR) claim order is not already in the paid stage. If the claim is paid, an error is displayed: National Program Claim Order is already in Paid stage(5) (7062).
- Reject the transaction if either condition above fails.
- Create new National Program Transaction [PDENH/PDENL] records with header and item level paid detail sent by the vendor in the EDI810 transaction. The PDENH.Seqno field is then incremented to the next number.
- Create Vendor Invoice Center Entry
- Misc. Credit for credit payments against claims.
- Invoice for charge back for returns.
- Stamp the Vendor Claim# in the field on Vendor Invoice Center Entry records.
- Compare paid amounts and original claim amounts at line and total
claim levels:
- Get National Program claim tolerances from existing Vendor Setup or SA Administrator Options fields.
- Check PDENL records created for this transaction for tolerance
- Tolerance exception if the quantity paid on the current transaction plus quantity paid on all previous PDENL transactions for the claim line is more than the quantity on the original claim and is beyond the quantity tolerance setting.
- The extended value paid for the line item does not match the extended value of the original claim line using the paid quantity and claim price and the difference is outside tolerance limits.
- Check payment [invoice] level tolerance exception:
- The sum of the line level variances calculated above exceeds the invoice tolerance setting.
- If claim transaction is outside tolerances or if there are any
other currently suspended payments against the claim:
- Mark the Vendor Invoice Center Entry transaction and newly created PDENH as suspended and mark PDENH.tolexceptionfl.
- Set the new APEI.nppaidinfullfl to No.
- Add record(s) to the APEIE errors table indicating claim payment is outside tolerance.
- If the transaction has no variance or the variance is within
- Set the APEI and PDENH suspend flags to No.
- Set the PDENH tolerance exception flag to No.
- If the amount of the AP credit exactly matches the open AR for the OE Correction (CR) claim order set the new APEI.nppaidinfullfl to Yes, otherwise set to No.
- Add record to APEI GL distribution table to update the open AR transaction for the claim based on the Customer Transaction Entry GL account code.
- If the APEI.nppaidinfullfl is Yes:
- Add a record to the APEI GL distribution table for the National Program Claim # variance account. The variance is for any difference between the APEI amount and the unpaid Customer Transaction Entry amount for the OE Correction (CR) claim order, regardless of whether the difference is within tolerances or not. The GL division will match the division of the original OE Correction (CR) claim order. One AP invoice/credit is associated with one and only one OE Correction (CR) claim order.
- Stamp the claim# in a new field on AP transaction record.
- Update the open Customer Transaction Entry record paid information and inactivate the Customer Transaction Entry.
- If APEI.nppaidinfullfl is No, create new open Customer Transaction Entry transaction record for remaining unpaid amount.
- If APEI.nppaidinfullfl is Yes:
- Change the stage on the OE Correction (CR) claim order to Paid (5).
- Change the PDENH.statustype field on the PDENH.Seqno = 0 field to inactive.
- Change the status on the PDENH record associated with this specific payment to inactive.
- Add to Paid fields on PDENH/PDENL Seqno 0 records.
- Change the GL Posting, that normally posts to AP Unmatched, to post to the appropriate AR control account. The division number from the OE Correction (CR) claim order is used in the GL account if full or partial divisionalized accounting is used.
The existing Vendor Invoice Center Entry functionality allows you to view errors and manually approve or unsuspend AP transactions. Be aware that you will not have the ability to change item level claim payment data, which means you should either accept the claim as is, accepting any variances, or you can delete the AP transactions and have vendors send corrected transactions. Vendor Invoice Center Entry, in update mode, posts approved or unsuspended claims.
Vendor Invoice Center Entry
- The Customer Setup record number, is set up as a National Program Claim Account for the Vendor [Manufacturer], and is specified in the Their Cust # field in Vendor Setup-General-Billing, is flagged as a National Program Claim Account.
- The Trans Type field is set to Misc Credit or Invoice.
The fields are auto-populated with current settings when you access or update existing unprocessed claim transactions.
Data entered in the National Program Vendor Claim# field must be found in the PDENH transaction table, using combination of Vendor number and Claim number.
The Vendor # field value defaults from the Invoice Entry line in Vendor Invoice Center Entry. Status options are Active, Inactive, All. Data displayed in the search results is derived from PDENH [where PDENH.seqno = 0] and the open Customer Transaction Entry records.
You cannot enter item level information for manually entered claim credits or invoices. The APEI record is stamped with the claim# and Paid in Full field values you entered. A new PDENH record for this payment [PDENH.seqno incremented to next number] is entered by the system. The PDENH.statustype is set to Active or Suspended based on the APEI.suspendfl. When posted, the same Vendor Entry Group Update/Reconcile Invoices Report and Vendor Invoice Center Entry updates are performed by the system.
Vendor Invoice Center Entry also updates the PDENH.statustype when you change the suspend flag on an National Program claim-related transaction.
Customer Cash Receipt Entry
A Vendor [Manufacturer] may reimburse you, the Distributor, for National Program claims with actual payments instead of AP credits. In this scenario, you can use the Customer Cash Receipt Entry function to apply payments against claim invoices. The National Program Claim # column is displayed on the Customer Cash Receipt Entry grid. The column is populated only when a Customer Setup record is set up as a National Program Claim Account.
You can apply payments according to normal Customer Cash Receipt Entry functionality. You will be prompted to write-off unpaid invoice balances when you set the Paid in Full column to Yes, and apply an amount less than the full invoice amount. The Write Off Distribution page is displayed with the appropriate National Program variance account listed in the Account field. The GL division will match the division of the claim invoice.
The standard Customer Cash Receipt Entry update process handles the inactivation of AR transactions. The OE Correction (CR) claim order transaction is marked as paid. A General Ledger posting is created to the appropriate AR Control accounts and designated write-off accounts. When posting payments for a National Program Claim Account customer, new PDENH transaction records are created by the Customer Cash Receipt Entry update process. This is similar to Vendor Invoice Center Entry process. Posting payments through Customer Cash Receipt Entry does not update line level claim payment information on PDENL records.