01/27/99 Wed 12:04 Co: 4 H & H Distributing-NxTrend Development glra Oper: sld Page: 1
General Ledger Transaction Activity
Post Dt Period Journl# Set# Trans# Mod Reference/Vend or Cust Check#/Inv# Debit Credit Balance
Account Code: 30-2-1230-00 Inventory Cont Beginning Balance:329747.58
01/25/99 200 2624 1 1 iceap Found in staging area 25.98 329773.56
01/25/99 200 2625 1 4 oeepi Invoice Processing 3870.59 325902.97
-------------- -------------- --------------
Total # Of Transactions: 2 GLSA Ending Balance: 327132.97 25.98 3870.59 325902.97
*** GLSA Out Of Balance With GLET ***
Manual Balance Changes For G/L Acct #: 30-2-1230-00
Operator: sld Date: 01/22/99 Time: 09:24:19
Period Amt 1/ Period Amt 2/ Period Amt 3/ Period Amt 4/ Period Amt 5/ Period Amt 6/ Period Amt 7/
Period Amt 8 Period Amt 9 Period Amt 10 Period Amt 11 Period Amt 12 Period Amt 13 Forward Balance
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 592977.53000
Operator: sld Date: 01/27/99 Time: 12:03:12
1230.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
Account Code: 30-2-1250-00 Direct Order In Beginning Balance: 0.00
01/25/99 200 2634 1 1 poei IC Direct Order 6367.08 6367.08
01/25/99 200 2641 1 1 glet Cap. Addon 88.50 6455.58
-------------- -------------- --------------
Total # Of Transactions: 2 GLSA Ending Balance: 6455.58 6455.58 0.00 6455.58
Account Code: 30-2-1270-00 Non-Stock Inven Beginning Balance: 0.00
01/25/99 200 2630 1 4 oeepi Invoice Processing 321.47 321.47-
01/25/99 200 2631 1 2 poei IC Non-Stock 481.00 159.53
01/25/99 200 2637 1 2 poei IC Non-Stock 518.00 677.53
01/25/99 200 2640 1 2 apet 237.81- 439.72
101 Bill's Tool Co. 3-40
-------------- -------------- --------------
Total # Of Transactions: 4 GLSA Ending Balance: 439.72 761.19 321.47 439.72
Account Code: 30-2-1295-00 IC Physical Adj Beginning Balance: 0.00
01/25/99 200 2624 1 2 iceap Found in staging area 25.98 25.98-
-------------- -------------- --------------
Total # Of Transactions: 1 GLSA Ending Balance: 25.98- 0.00 25.98 25.98-
Grand Total For All Transactions: 11 7242.75 10673.62 3430.87-
Total # Of Accounts Out Of Balance: 1
NOTICE: Some Accounts May Not Be Included Due To The Application Of Security Mask
Division: 30 Department: 2 Subaccount: 0