Vendor Transaction Activity Report ranges and options


Print Invoices (N)o, (A)ct, (I)nact, (B)oth

Specify N if you do not want to include vendor invoices. Specify this option if you want to process a report for scheduled payments, debit memos, and so on.

Specify A to include all active invoices or those that have not been paid or have not been paid in full.

Specify I to include all inactive invoices or those that have been paid in full or fully credited.

Specify B to include both inactive and active invoices.

Schedule Payments (N)o, (A)ct, (I)nact, (B)oth

Invoices may be split into several scheduled payments.

Specify N if you do not need to print scheduled payments.

Specify A to include all active, unpaid scheduled payments.

Specify I to print inactive scheduled payments.

Specify B to print active and inactive scheduled payments.

Debit Memos? Credit Memos? Voids?

Select Yes for each corresponding option to include debit memos, credit memos, and voids in the report.

Print Miscellaneous Credits (N)o, (A)ct, (I)nact, (B)oth

Specify N if you do not want to include miscellaneous credits.

Specify A to include all active miscellaneous credits.

Specify I to include all inactive, applied miscellaneous credits.

Specify B to include both inactive and active miscellaneous credits.

Print Checks?

Select Yes to include a list of checks paid to the vendor. The check number, date, amount, and journal number prints. A V or M prints to the right of the check number to indicate whether the check was a void or manual check. The check detail is sorted first by journal number, then by check number.

Print Rebates?

Select Yes to include a list of all rebates for each vendor. The date, amount, and journal number prints.

Print in Inv (D)ate or (I)nvoice # Order

Specify D to print the invoice transaction history, set on the ranges page, in date order.

Specify I to print the transaction history, set on the ranges page, in invoice number order.

This sort order applies to invoice transactions only, not the schedule pays or other transactions that support the invoice. These transactions will always be sorted by date under each invoice.

Print Inactive Vendors?

Select No if you want to print transaction history for active vendors and inactive vendors. Inactivate vendors by manually changing the status on the Vendor Setup record, or through the Vendor Administrator Vendor Classification. In addition, the SA Administration Inactive Vendor Removal Report will inactivate non-active vendors and Class 13 vendors, if desired.

Print Manual Balance Changes?

Select Yes to print manual changes for out-of-balance vendors to determine what caused the vendor to become out of balance. All manual balance changes are stored within a file in System Administrator.

Print Vendor Notes?

Select Yes to print vendor notes. Because notes can be long, use the ranges to limit the report.

Print References?

Select Yes to print references (24-character reference line) that could be associated with a transaction history record. If you print references, use the ranges to limit the report.

Totals Only?

Select Yes to print the total number of transactions for each vendor, along with the total debits, credits, and discounts. The grand total for all vendors also prints. The transaction detail does not print.

Select No to print transaction detail, along with all the totals previously mentioned.