IB Customer Marketing Mailing Label Report ranges and options


See Report ranges.


Use (R)pt List, (F)/U List, or (E)ntered

Specify R, F, or E to print labels, based on a report list, follow-up list, or the entered ranges. The report and follow-up lists are specific to the sales representative that generated them.

(P)rospect#, (A)lpha, or (Z)ipcode Order

Specify P, A, or Z to print the labels in prospect number, alphabetical, or postal code order.

Number of Copies of Each Label

Specify the number of labels to print.

Mailing Groups

Mail groups are user-defined codes that categorize contacts. If mail groups were established on contact records, you can specify a mail group.

Print Attn Line? (Y/N)

Specify yes to print an attention line on each label. The name on each contact record prints on the label for every contact of each qualifying prospect unless you specify limits in the Priority Numbers/Ranges option. If a contact record contains an address, it is used. If an address is not specified on the contact record, the address from the prospect record is used.

Priority Numbers/Ranges

To limit the number of labels that print for contacts, specify the priority number of the contacts to print for each prospect. You can also specify a range of numbers. This option does not apply if you specify R for the Use (R)pt List, (F)/U List, or (E)ntered option. Separate your individual choices by commas, for example 1,2,5-7,9,11-20. Do not use spaces. If more than one contact exists with the same priority, they are sorted alphabetically.