Environmental handling fee calculation

When a product with an associated environmental handling fee (EHF) is added to a line in Sales Order Entry, Distribution SX.e automatically calculates and adds the EHF Amount to the order line.

The validation is based on whether there is an EHF record set up for this product, the Customer or ShipTo's Province or State, and the EHF start and end dates that are currently in effect. Because multiple records can be set up with overlapping start and end dates, the most current start date that has not expired is used. The validation also checks for Customer or ShipTo exemptions and the start and end dates in effect for the exemption. If the exemption is valid, the EHF amount is set to zero.

The system sums the EHF amount for each line and calculates the EHF Net Amount for the order. That total is displayed in the Review Taxes and Totals view in the Addons section. If a line is removed, the total is recalculated.

Order types

EHF Amount is calculated for these order types: Blanket Release (BR), Counter Sale (CS), Direct Order (DO), Stock Order (SO).

Correction (CR)

If an EHF Amount must be charged or credited without a product, a Correction (CR) order can be used to post that fee directly to the addon on the order. This is the only way an EHF addon can be directly added or updated. If you attempt to change an EHF Amount or add an EHF Addon # in any other order type, the system checks the addon setup from SA Order Entry Addon Setup and does not allow the change.

Quote (QU)

When Quote (QU) orders are converted to non-QU orders, whether a separate order is created, or the same order number is used, the EHF fields and the EHF addons are set to zero and immediately recalculated to ensure all the current fee setups are used for the order.

Return Merchandise (RM)

If the RM order or order line is tied to an original order or order line, the EHF fields are copied from the tied order line. The EHF Net Amount and the Addon # data are recalculated based on the quantity of the return line. If the ShipTo location on the RM order is different than the original order, the amount that is paid is the amount that is refunded and the Province or State of record is the ShipTo state on the RM order.

If the RM order or order line is not tied to an original order or order line, the system checks the Product field to see if an EHF Amount applies. If it does, then the current EHF Amount and Addon # are used as defaults. These fields are then available for manual entry, and you can override with the original EHF Amount and the appropriate EHF Addon #. If the customer is exempt or will not be refunded the EHF amount, then clear both fields. When the line is updated, the EHF fields are recalculated and the field values are updated.

Copied orders

If an order is copied, the EHF fields and the EHF addons are set to zero and immediately recalculated to ensure all the current fee setups are used for the order.


If a line is a nonstock, regardless of whether the product is set up in Product Setup or Product Catalog Setup, you can specify the per unit EHF Amount and the EHF Addon # in Advanced Line Entry or the Extended view if you used the Personalize feature to add these fields. These fields are enterable only if the product is a nonstock, or the system checks the Product field to see if an EHF Amount applies. If it does, then the current EHF Amount and Addon # are used as defaults.

See the Personalize feature.

If a line is a completely nonstock, not a catalog product, the Product Environmental Handling Fee Setup table is not used. You must adjust your work flow to ensure you know and specify a valid and correct EHF Addon# and EHF Amount. No error message is provided to ensure the correct EHF is specified. During validation, the EHF must have a blank Province or State or must match the ShipTo Province or State of the order. The system also validates for applicable exemptions using the Environmental Handling Fee Exemption Setup table; the EHF Amount is updated to reflect an exemption.

Environmental handling fee recalculations

When changes are made to an order, these EHF amounts are recalculated:

EHF amount (not nonstock, not RM order/line)
  • The order line is validated against the Product Environmental Handling Fee Setup and Environmental Handling Fee Exemption Setup tables, based on the current date to get up-to-date data.
  • The per unit EHF Amount and EHF Exempt Amount are updated. If exempt, the EHF Amount is zero. If not exempt, the EHF Exempt Amount is zero.
  • The EHF Addon # is changed if necessary. If changed, the original EHF Amount is backed out of the order addon and the new Addon # is updated or added to the order.
  • The EHF Net Amount and the EHF Addon # data is updated based on the stock quantity shipped and the value in EHF Amount.
  • The order is retotaled.
EHF amount for nonstock lines
  • The EHF Amount, from the Product Environmental Handling Fee Setup table, is not recalculated because the amount was either manually specified or initially defaulted based on the Catalog product. In maintenance mode, the original amounts is retained or you can make additional manual changes.
  • The Customer or ShipTo and Province or State are validated against the Product Environmental Handling Fee Setup table, based on the current date to get up-to-date data.
  • The per unit EHF Amount is not updated because the amount was manually specified. If the Customer/Shipto is now exempt and originally was not, the EHF Amount is moved the EHF Exempt Amount, and EHF Amount is set to zero. If the Customer or Shipto was originally exempt, but is no longer exempt, the EHF Exempt Amount is moved to EHF Amount, and EHF Exempt Amount is set to zero.
  • The EHF Addon # is validated against the current Product Environmental Handling Fee Setup table and changed if necessary. If the EHF Addon # has changed, the original EHF Amount is backed out of the order addon and the new EHF Addon # is updated or added to the order.
  • The EHF Net Amount and the EHF Addon # are updated based on the stock quantity shipped and the value in EHF Amount.
  • The order is retotaled.
EHF Amount for tied RM lines
  • The per unit EHF Amount and EHF Exempt Amount are not updated. These were set to return the same amount as was originally paid on the tied order line.
  • The EHF Addon # is not updated. This was set to use the same addon number as the tied order line.
  • The EHF Net Amount and the EHF Addon # data is updated based on the stock quantity shipped and the value in EHF Amount.
  • The order is retotaled.
EHF Amount for fully tendered orders
No updates are made to a fully tendered order.

Recalculation is performed in these scenarios:

  • Sales Entry Processing Back Order Fill Report
    • Lines moved to backorders are recalculated based on current date.
  • Sales Shipping Feedback Entry
    • The Shipped date is used to determine updated EHF Amounts.
    • Lines moved to backorders are recalculated based on the shipped date.
  • Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report
    • The Invoiced date is used to determine updated EHF Amounts.
  • Sales Shipping Feedback Split To Backorder Entry
    • The Shipped date is used to determine updated EHF Amounts.
    • Lines moved to backorders are recalculated based on the shipped date.
  • Sales Order Audit Report
    • The EHF Net Amount is recalculated and the EHF Addon # is updated.
    • The order is retotaled.
  • Product Reallocation Entry
    • The EHF Net Amount and the EHF Addon # is updated based on the quantity shipped and the value in EHF Amount.
  • Sales Entry Batch Update Report
    • When the report is run to create orders from the EDI 850 inbound, the same process used for Sales Order Entry is executed to load the EHF Amount and EHF Addon # data.