Address validation
Address validation is available with these tax interface integrations: AvaTax or Vertex Cloud.
When this feature is enabled, if the address validation fails or a simple correction is found, a pop-up window is automatically displayed from tax-related address sections in specific functions. The window shows the current address side-by-side with the suggested address from the tax interface. A message alert is also displayed in the window. The message points out errors in the current address or differences between the addresses. For example, the message may say: The Current Address is not in standard form. These fields in the Suggested Address are different: Zip Code. You can compare the addresses, then from the window, you can take one of these actions: keep the current address, correct and revalidate the current address, or accept the suggested address.
You can also select the Address Override option to accommodate a General Delivery address, which overrides the default behavior of the AvaTax or Vertex Cloud's calculation. AvaTax or Vertex Cloud, instead, make the tax calculation from the General Delivery address and avoids an error. This is beneficial when the address is not in the United States Postal Service (USPS) database yet, such as with new construction.
The Address Override setting is stored with the address. When the setting is in a setup function, the override is carried through to the related transactions. For example, if a Customer Setup record has the Address Override option selected, orders created for the customer automatically have the Address Override option selected as well. The Address Override setting is displayed in the relevant inquiry functions, such as Customer Inquiry. After the address is in the USPS database, the address should be updated so that Address Override option can be cleared.
Address validation is supported for the United States and Canada. This feature is not designed for mass updating. Run the SA Tax Address Validation Report to verify that addresses in the setup functions are valid in AvaTax or Vertex Cloud.
Feature activation
To enable this feature, select the Address Validation option in SA Company Setup-Taxes. Sign out and sign back in to Distribution SX.e to activate this setting.
See the Infor Distribution SX.e Integration Guide for AvaTax or Infor Distribution SX.e Integration Guide for Vertex Cloud.