KP Tally Mix Setup field descriptions
Fields are presented in alphabetical order by section.
- Component Product
Specify the product to be a component of the tally mix. The stocking unit of measure for a tally component must be set to each or piece in Product Setup.
- Feet
Specify the number of linear feet that this component contributes to the total linear feet of the tally. For example, if this component contains eight linear feet per piece, specify 8 in this field.
- Order Entry Mix % / Total
Specify the mix percentage for this component when you sell this dimensional tally product to a customer. The number of pieces required for the total length of the tally product is calculated using this percentage. If you specify 0, the component is displayed on the Tally Component window without an allocated quantity.
- Purchase Order Mix % / Total
Specify the mix percentage for this component when you order this dimensional tally product from a vendor. The number of pieces required for the total length of the tally product is calculated using this percentage. If you specify 0, the component is displayed on the Tally Component window without an allocated quantity.
- Tally Product
Specify the product number of the dimensional tally product that is the parent of the components you add to the mix. The product you specify must be set up in Product Setup as a tally product.
- Warehouse
If the tally mix applies to all warehouses, leave this field blank.
If the tally mix applies to a single warehouse, specify the warehouse. The warehouse must be defined in Product Warehouse Description Setup.