Product Entry Handheld Export/Import Report ranges and options


For more information, see Report ranges..



Specify the warehouse you want to import or export files from. The warehouse must already be set up in Product Warehouse Description Setup.

When you export files, the warehouse name is included in the .set file name so the correct HotSync Handler picks them up.

Run Number?

Specify a Run Number. The run number represents the inventory count run created in Distribution SX.e.

During export, data is pulled from this count. Inventory counts are initially created during Product Entry Physical Count Report.

(E)xport or (I)mport?

Indicate if you want to import files from the handheld device, or export them from the system to the handheld device.

If you specify i, the system generates a .cse file.

If you specify e, the system generates a .set file.

Final Import For This Run?

Indicate if this is the final import for this run.

Select Yes to specify 0 (zero) for items not counted to update files correctly. If you select Yes, the products that were not counted will have a zero quantity and you cannot change it.

Select No to leave uncounted items blank so these items are counted at another time. These items must be counted before the run can be updated.

Export (P)rod, (U)PC, (B)arcode Xref?

If you selected export for option 3, indicate if you want to export records based on product number, UPC, or barcode cross-reference.

Export Descriptions?

If you selected export for option 3, indicate if you want to export product descriptions.

Export Quantity Expected?

If you selected export for option 3, indicate if you want to export the quantity expected.

(P)rod or (B)in Location Sort

If you selected export for option 3, indicate if you want to sort the items in product number order or bin location order.

(C)ounted, (U)ncounted, or (B)oth

If you selected export for option 3, indicate if you want to include counted products, uncounted products, or both counted and uncounted products in the export file.

Maximum Number of Lines per Set?

If you selected export for option 3, indicate the maximum number of lines you want to include in each set. Additional files are created after the maximum number is met.

Export Items with Qty Variance Pct >

If you selected export for option 3, use this option to include only products with a variance greater than the number specified here in the export file. Specify the percentage variance in this field. The variance is calculated as the difference between the expected and counted quantities divided by the expected quantity.