SA Administrator Options - Documents - Sales Orders - Back Orders field descriptions

The fields are presented in alphabetical order within each section.


Action to Take on Completion of Receiving

This option determines whether you print a Receipts Report or Allocation Report from Purchase Entry Receipt of Inventory or Transfer Entry Receipt of Inventory and whether you run the Sales Entry Processing Back Order Fill Report after the receiving functions are complete. Even though you cannot run a Sales Entry Processing Back Order Fill Report from the Sales menu, you still can print the Receipts Report.

Select one of these values:

  • Fill Back Orders

    When the Sales Entry Processing Back Order Fill Report is run, the run fills all back orders, Ship Complete, Tag & Hold orders, and orders that are tied to purchase orders or warehouse transfers according to the method you specify. The remaining quantity received is moved to the quantity on hand, the receipts file is deleted, and the value specified in Once Completed in this Fill Options section is ignored.

  • Allocation Report

    When the Sales Entry Processing Back Order Fill Report is run, the Allocation Report is generated and back orders are not filled. The Allocation Report provides you with the back orders, Ship Complete, and Tag & Hold orders, and quantities that would have been filled if you had selected the Fill Back Orders option. You can use the Allocation Report to review each order before it is filled and make the necessary manual allocations in Sales Shipping Feedback Entry using the reserve function.

    If you select this option and you select Both Move and Delete for the Once Completed option in the Fill Options section, quantities are moved from received to on hand and the receipts file is deleted. If you select Move To On-Hand for the Once Completed option, quantities are moved from received to on hand. If you select Neither for the Once Completed option, quantities remain in the received balance. After you have made your changes, run the Sales Entry Processing Back Order Fill Report to fill the back orders.

    If you select this option, the next fill process uses the receipts records which may be run by another operator. To run Back Order Fill for Receipts for records you created, use the Saved Allocation option.

  • Saved Allocation

    When you run Sales Entry Processing Back Order Fill Report with this option set to Saved Allocation, the operator’s initials are stored with the receipts record that is allocated to fill a back ordered item. Each operator can then run their own Sales Entry Processing Back Order Fill Report first to produce an Allocation Report and then fill back orders. When you run Sales Entry Processing Back Order Fill Report with this option set to Fill Back Orders, those receipts records with the operator’s initials are used to fill back orders. Quantities are moved to On Hand and the receipts file is deleted. The Once Completed option in the Fill Options section is ignored.

  • Receipts Report 

    The Receipts Report is printed independently of the Sales Entry Processing Back Order Fill Report. After the Receipts Report is printed, the quantity is moved to on hand and the receipts file is deleted. The Once Completed option in the Fill Options section is ignored. You cannot reprint the Receipts Report or Allocation Report. Both reports are based on the receipts file.

    The Receipts Report is a put away report of each product received and the quantities which must be put away in the warehouse. Even though you initially print the Receipts Report, you can run the Sales Entry Processing Back Order Fill Report and fill the back orders.

    If you indicate to use Back Order Fill from the menu (select the Support Running Fill from Navigator option) and you want it to be performed automatically from Purchase Entry Receipt of Inventory, Transfer Entry Receipt of Inventory, or KP Work Order Center Entry, you must decide how it should be performed. Three options are available: All, Order Complete, and Line Complete.

  • None

    The Sales Entry Processing Back Order Fill Report does not automatically run but you can run the report manually be accessing Sales Order Entry-OE Reports-Back Order Fill. The quantity received is automatically moved to the quantity on hand and the other options on this window are disregarded.

For Bill on Receipt products in a Storeroom-managed warehouse, this option setting is overridden and set to None. Bill on Receipt products are usually always owned by the customer, but may be replenished by the distributor. The customer is billed immediately when the product is received in Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry or Transfer Receipt of Inventory Entry. The Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report is run immediately after receiving to generate the invoice that bills the customer. When this option is None, the receiving function updates the On Hand quantity in Product Warehouse Product Setup to ensure that an adequate quantity of the product on the sales order is available for sale.

Create OE Back Orders At Stage

Select the stage at which back orders are created for all warehouses in your company.

This setting does not apply to orders with a Just In Time disposition. Back orders for Just In Time orders are always created in Stage 2 (Picking).

If you use Storeroom, select Shipping (3) to prevent different backorder suffixes in Storeroom and Distribution SX.e.


Pick OE BO and S/T Orders Only

If you select this option, only back orders at the order level, Ship Complete, and Tag & Hold orders are picked.

Note:  An 00 suffix can be a back order if back orders are created at Stage 1 and all lines all quantities are back ordered.
Print Pick Tickets After BO Fill

You can print pick tickets automatically during Purchase Entry Receipt of Inventory, Transfer Entry Receipt of Inventory, or KP Work Order Center Entry. If you select this option, the Printer For Pick Ticket field on the Purchase Entry Receipt of Inventory or Transfer Entry Receipt of Inventory Update page is available for you to specify a pick ticket printer.

If you do not select this option, the Printer For Pick Ticket field is not available to specify a pick ticket printer. Pick tickets are only printed for approved orders where line items were filled. Pick tickets are not printed if you print the Allocation or Receipts Report, except for special or nonstock orders.

Reserve Inventory Before Printing

If you select this option, order lines are filled by the Sales Entry Processing Back Order Fill Report based on available quantities if the quantity shipped on a line is less than the quantity ordered. This reserves inventory that may have arrived after the order was created. When the Sales Entry Processing Back Order Fill Report is run with the Print Pick Tickets option set to Yes, the Sales Entry Pick Tickets Report is automatically generated with the Reserve Inventory Before Picking option set to Yes. The Reserve Inventory Before Picking option is not set to Yes if the Sales Entry Pick Tickets Report is run manually.

This criteria must be met before the line item is filled:

  • Order type must be a Stock Order (SO) or Blanket Release (BR).
  • Quantity shipped must be less than the quantity ordered.
  • The line must be active.
  • No back orders exist for the line.
  • A PO/WT # cannot exist on the line.
  • The product component must be stocked.

After the order is filled, these changes occur:

  • If the quantity shipped is not fully covered, a back order could be created if the customer accepts back orders.
  • The special price type discount, whole order discount, all addon fields, and total invoice amount are recalculated.
  • The quantity reserved is increased. After the pick ticket is printed, the quantity is moved from reserved to committed.
  • PD actual quantity could be increased if the record is monthly- or yearly-based.

This field applies to back orders that are picked through the Sales Entry Processing Back Order Fill Report and works in conjunction with the Threshold Criteria Type field. If you have specified a percentage of the amount or units in the Threshold Criteria Type field, indicate the percentage in this option. If you leave the default value of zero, pick tickets are always printed. If you specify 100, the pick ticket is only printed if all line items of the back order have been filled. This message is displayed if you specify a percentage in the Threshold Criteria Type field and then specify an incorrect percentage amount: Pick Ticket Criteria = %, Cutoff Must Be <= 100.

If the minimum amount or unit is used and the order total is less than the minimum, the order total overrides the minimum so the pick ticket prints. For example, suppose you specify $10.00 as the minimum amount, and the order total is $8.50. Because the order total is less than the minimum amount, $8.50 overrides the minimum amount so the pick ticket is printed.

Note: When you print pick tickets, the Line Ship Complete functionality takes precedence over the threshold criteria. A pick ticket is printed for a line ship complete line when the shipped quantity equals the ordered quantity without regard to the threshold criteria.
Threshold Criteria Type

This option applies to back orders picked through any function that prints pick tickets, including the Sales Entry Pick Tickets Report, and functions that launch the Sales Entry Processing Back Order Fill Report such as Purchase Entry Receipt of Inventory, Transfer Entry Receipt of Inventory, or KP Work Order Center Entry. Orders must meet the minimum percentage or amount of the order to have pick tickets printed for back orders. Specify the criteria which orders must meet for pick tickets to print. A minimum amount, minimum number of units, or percentage can be used to determine whether pick tickets are printed.

Note:  This option and the Threshold option only apply to back orders picked through the Sales Entry Processing Back Order Fill Report and any function that initiates pick ticket print.

Fill Options

Bill Direct PO Addons To Sales Orders

Indicate if you want to pass any PO addons on Direct Order (DO) purchase orders to tied sales orders. This option cannot be selected if Invoicing (4) is selected for the Create OE Back Orders At Stage.

When this option is selected, PO addons from direct purchase orders are applied to tied sales orders by the Sales Entry Processing Backorder Fill Report based on the direct billing method selected for each customer or ship to. Additionally, the Bill Direct PO Addons field is enabled in these functions:

  • You can specify which PO addons are billed directly to a customer or ship to in the Ordering view of Customer Setup and Customer Ship To Setup. In the Bill Direct PO Addons field, select either None, All, Freight Only, or Other (Non-Freight).
  • You can specify which PO addons are billed directly to a customer or ship to using the Bill Direct PO Addons field in Sales Order Entry-Review Taxes and Totals. The default value is derived from the customer or ship to record but can be overridden.
  • You can view the Bill Direct PO Addons field in the Header section of Sales Shipping Feedback Entry.

If the sales order contains estimated addon amounts, they are replaced with the actual addon amount. If the sales order contains an actual addon amount previously carried over from a direct order PO, the addon is increased by the new amount. This ensures that addons applied to a purchase order multiple times are tied to the same sales order. If the addon does not already exist on the order, a new addon record is applied in this manner:

  • If the PO addon is as a Freight-type addon, and Addon #2 Freight-Out for the sales order is not used, the addon is created as Addon #2. This enables the order to be invoiced if the Require Freight Out option in Customer Setup-Ordering is selected.
  • If the addon is not freight, or Addon #2 is already used, the addon is created as the first available addon record after Addon #2.

The addon records are created as dollar-value ($) addons, and the internal Addon Override flag is set on the order.

If a stock order with direct lines has direct freight applied from tied POs and outbound freight on lines shipped from the warehouse, the addons are kept separate because the lines are on different order suffixes.

Any minimum or maximum and zero level addons settings defined in SA Order Entry Addon Setup are honored.

Fill Alternate Warehouse Orders

If you select this option, and an alternate warehouse is selected from the Substitutes, Upgrades, or Warehouse Availability sections in Sales Order Entry, this option fills a back order for the alternate warehouse. A Product Extended Product Cross Reference Setup record must exist for the relationship. The Product Warehouse Product Setup record is updated accordingly. You must manually allocate substitutes if an alternate warehouse is selected.

If you have integrated with Infor Service Management, you must select this option and complete other setups so that service orders and sales orders process correctly. See the Infor Distribution SX.e Integration Guide for CloudSuite Field Service and Infor Service Management.

Fill Subs and Supersedes

When Back Order Fill is performed, indicate whether the system should fill substitute and superseded products as well. The original product you ordered might not be available, and your vendor might fill your orders with substitutes and supersedes without your immediate knowledge. For each product received, the Product Extended Product Cross Reference Setup record is checked to determine all products that accept the received product as a substitute or supersede. Your customer must accept substitute products, as indicated on their Customer Setup-Ordering or Customer Ship To Setup-Ordering record. Back orders and warehouse transfer orders can be filled with substitute and supersede products.

To fill substitutes or supersedes, the Method for Automatic Fill you select for the regular products applies to the substitute product. If you select All, Back Order Fill does not recognize the substitute or supersede fill. Substitutes and supersedes are filled after the received product has filled all outstanding back orders, Ship Complete, and Tag & Hold orders, and there is a quantity left over to use for substitutes or supersedes. Back Order Fill will do a pass on product fill, then on the substitute and supersede fill. If all lines are not filled the first pass, the order is not complete and is backed out.

If a product is substituted when it is received in Purchase Entry Receipt of Inventory or Transfer Entry Receipt of Inventory, the order that is tied to the line is not filled and an exception message is printed on the report. Back orders, Ship Complete, and Tag & Hold orders and line items must qualify under this criteria before they are substituted:

  • The order status must be active.
  • The stage must be Ordered or Picked for Ship Complete and Tag & Hold orders.
  • The order type must be Stock Order (SO) or Blanket Release (BR).
  • The order cannot be in use by another operator.
  • The customer must accept substitutes.
  • A back order cannot exist for the line item.
  • The line items cannot be specials, nonstocks, or lost business.
  • The quantity shipped must equal zero.
  • The received product cannot be a build-on-demand kit.
  • The product cannot be transferred from an alternate warehouse.
  • If the line item has a PO/WT # and the purchase order or warehouse transfer has not been received, the line cannot be filled.
  • The unit and conversion factor for the substitute and line item must match.
  • The product surcharge amount for the product and substitute must match (DATC, Rush, etc.).
  • The core charges for the product and substitute must match.
  • The taxable status for the product and substitute must match.
  • The product price type must match.
  • The special costing factor must match.

Your vendor might send you superseded products. These products do not involve all the substitute qualifications previously listed. Superseded products do not require identical product surcharge amounts, tax, price type or core charges to be valid. Supersede and substitute line items are recosted and repriced, based on the new product. If a new price is used, it is edited against SA Table Code Value Setup - Order Entry Addons to compare the Min Chg and Zero Level fields.

For products with a Product Warehouse Product Setup order-as-needed status or a Direct Order (DO) order type, substitutions or supersedes are made if these conditions exist:

  • The Substitute field on the Sales Order Entry header or Transfer Entry header is Yes, or the order is a Direct Order (DO).
  • The product’s Product Warehouse Product Setup Status is order-as-needed.
  • The Sales Entry Processing Back Order Fill Report option, Include Substitutes/Supersedes, is Yes.
  • The Fill Substitutes/Supersedes option is selected in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders Back Orders.
Method For Automatic Fill

After you decide to perform Back Order Fill from Purchase Entry Receipt of Inventory, Transfer Entry Receipt of Inventory, or KP Work Order Center Entry, and have selected the Fill Back Orders option, you must decide the method to use for filling the line items on the back orders, Ship Complete, and Tag & Hold orders. For Direct Orders (DO) and Nonstock/Special Orders, only All applies. The options described below are not valid if you print the Allocation or Receipts Report in the Action to Take on Completion of Receiving option.

  • Order Complete: This is the full-order fill. If the entire order cannot be filled, none of the line items on the order are filled. Avoid using this option if you have a large number of line items per order. The Auto BO Fill option in Product Warehouse Product Setup is not used.
  • Line Complete: Each line item is checked to determine whether the total quantity available can cover the quantity ordered. If it can, the quantity shipped increases to equal the quantity ordered. If it cannot be completely filled, the line is skipped.
  • AllIf this option is selected and the order is a DO or SO that contains& Hold order. Back orders are only created if the customer accepts back orders and the order is in the selected stage to create back orders. A message is displayed on the Back Order Fill: The total available quantity is distributed to back orders, Ship Complete, and Tag & Hold orders until the quantity is completely used or all orders have been filled. If line items can only be partially filled with the remaining total available quantity, the quantity shipped is increased to equal the total available quantity, and a new back order may be created for the remaining difference between the quantity ordered and quantity shipped, except in the case of a Ship Complete or Tag & Hold order. Back orders are only created if the customer accepts back orders and the order is in the selected stage to create back orders. A message is displayed on the Back Order Fill report indicating a back order was created.
Move Filled Drop Lines to New Suffix

This option indicates whether you want to move Direct Order (DO) lines that are filled to their own separate order suffix to be shipped. If this option is selected, Line DOs on Stock Orders (SO) or DOs are moved to their own order (same order, new suffix) when they are filled and are set to Stage 3 (Shipped). This allows invoicing of filled line DOs. The remaining lines stay on the current order suffix in Stage 1 (Ordered) or Stage 2 (Picked) until the last line is filled.

If this option is not selected, and the order is a DO or SO that contains only line DOs, the line DOs that are filled remain on the original order, and the order is set to Stage 3 (Shipped). This allows the order to be invoiced. The remaining lines with a quantity shipped of 0 are moved to their own suffix in Stage 1 (Ordered).

If the option is not selected and the order is an SO order with both stocked and line DOs, the line DOs are filled on the current suffix, unless you are creating back orders in Stage 1 (Ordered). Note that, in this case, the line DOs are moved to a new suffix when the back order is created. An exception, Order Not Shipped with DO Line Received prints on the Back Order Fill exception report. When all lines are filled, the stage is set to 3 (Shipped).

If this option is selected and the order is a DO or SO that contains& Hold order. Back orders are only created if the customer accepts back orders and the order is in the selected stage to create back orders. A message is displayed on the Back Order Fill: The total available quantity is distributed to back orders, Ship Complete, and Tag & Hold orders until the quantity is completely used or all orders have been filled. If line items can only be partially filled with the remaining total available quantity, the quantity shipped is increased to equal the total available quantity, and a new back order may be created for the remaining difference between the quantity ordered and quantity shipped, except in the case of a Ship Complete or Tag & Hold order. Back orders are only created if the customer accepts back orders and the order is in the selected stage to create back orders. A message is displayed on the Back Order Fill report indicating a back order was created. report indicating a back order was created.

The Sales Entry Processing Back Order Fill Report also reflects the correct order/suffix that was filled for DO lines instead of the -00 order. DO lines that are moved are reflected as canceled on the original order, but this does not affect the Lost Business indicator, which is an internal field set for reporting purposes.

If this option is cleared and your order has a mix of stock and drop lines, when a drop line is received, the order is placed on hold if the customer is on hold.

Once Completed

If you are printing the Allocation Report from Back Order Fill instead of filling back orders, indicate whether you want to move the quantity received to on hand and delete the receipts file, only move the quantity received, or neither. Select one of these values:

  • Move to On Hand

    You are moving the quantity received to the quantity on hand. Select this option if you plan to manually allocate the received quantities to the correct back orders. If you do not, you are forced to manually make adjustments to the quantity received and quantity on hand before you allocate receipts to orders. The quantity received must be moved to On Hand before it can be allocated. When you manually allocate, the quantities allocated are added to the quantity reserved or committed. After the order is invoice processed, the quantities are subtracted from the quantity on hand.

    Therefore, the quantity received should be moved to the quantity on hand before you start allocating. Otherwise, there is not enough available to reserve.

    If you print the Allocation Report initially for review, then manually perform Sales Entry Processing Back Order Fill Report again, the report moves the quantity received to the quantity on hand after all back orders have been filled and there is remaining quantity received.

    Back Order Fill fills back orders based on the quantity received plus the net available. There is a risk that, with this method, Sales Order Entry

  • Both Move and Delete

    Both the move and delete functions are performed. See the Move to On Hand field description. After the Allocation Report has printed, you can delete the receipts file. If you always manually allocate products received or place received products into inventory, delete the receipts file after the Allocation Report prints.

  • Neither

    After the Allocation Report is printed, the quantity received and receipts file remain intact. To manually distribute products based on the Allocation Report, use the Reserve function in Sales Shipping Feedback Entry.

Support Running Fill from Navigator

Select this option if you are using Back Order Fill from Sales Order Entry. When you select this option, these functions build a file composed of receipt records for product going into stock:

  • Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report may decrease the net (RM Return to Stock)
  • Purchase Entry Receipt of Inventory
  • Transfer Entry Receipt of Inventory
  • Product Adjust Non-stock/Direct Order Entry (if adding inventory)
  • Product Adjustment Entry
  • Product Entry Count Update Report
  • Product Unavailable Inventory Entry
  • Product Warehouse Transfer Entry
  • KP Work Order Center Entry

This internal receipts record is created when this option is selected, or the Action to Take on Completion of Receiving option is set to anything but None, and an internal receipts record does not already exist for the company, warehouse, and product being returned to inventory.

The internal receipts record indicates that the Product Maintain Balance Entry on hand balance has been increased and the stock can potentially fill an open order when Sales Entry Processing Back Order Fill Report is generated.

If you do not select this option, Back Order Fill cannot be performed, but the Receipts Report may still be printed.

Credit Options

Perform Credit Check After BO Fill

Select this option to automatically conduct a credit check when performing Back Order Fill. If you select this option, credit checking occurs at Back Order Fill unless the order is a DO order, all the lines are DO lines, or the order is tendered.