SA Operator Setup - Controls field descriptions

The fields are listed alphabetically within these sections:






Allow Changing of GL Cost

Operators often need access to certain Product and Pricing and Discounting windows to update costs that are not used to update General Ledger, however, you may not want them to have access to the cost fields. Select No

Allow User to Chg AP Recon Cost Type

Indicate if the operator can change the cost inventory is valued at during Final Update in to prevent users from accessing the costs that updates General Ledger.Vendor Invoice Center Entry or during Vendor Entry Group Update/Reconcile Invoices Report processing. The value that inventory is costed at defaults from the field in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Purchase Orders-Accounting. The default setting for this field is No.

Allow User to Override Update Tolerances

Indicate if the operator can override quantity, line, and amount tolerances during reconciliation. This option indicates if users can override tolerances for a specific invoice, a specific line on an invoice, or for an entire group of invoices during reconciliation. If this option is set to Yes, the user can override all matching tolerances during reconciliation. If the option is set to No users cannot override any matching tolerances. Typically, security to override update tolerances is only given to an employee who will be handling large variances that have to be corrected manually, one invoice at a time.

Note:  If the user should also be permitted to override tolerances for groups of invoices in Vendor Invoice Center Entry - Update Reconciliation Processing or using the Vendor Entry Group Update/Reconcile Invoices Report, you must select Yes for the to prevent users from accessingGive AP Supervisor Status to this User option in SA Operator Setup-Other Options.
Allow User to View Commission Amounts

Indicate if the operator can view calculated commissions. If you do not allow the operator to view commissions, the commissions do not appear in setups, transaction entries, or inquiries, nor will they print on reports processed by this operator.

Allow User to View Costs

Indicate if the operator can view product costs in Sales Order Entry, Purchase Order Entry, Transfer Entry, or Product Import. If you do not allow the operator to view costs, they are not displayed in setups, transaction entry, or inquiries, nor will they print on reports processed by this operator. This option also masks inquiries and reports that display margin information.

Note: Because cost entry is required for nonstock items, this field does not apply to nonstock products. The Allow Entry of Non-stocks setting in SA Operator Setup-Entry Options determines whether an operator is allowed to enter nonstock items.
Include Rebate in Cost/Margin Displays

Indicate if the operator is allowed to view costs and margins with rebates included in the cost and margin calculations. An R is displayed next to the cost if a rebate has been applied.

To ensure that the totals on the report are consistent, select the same value for each operator that runs the report.

Note: This option is applicable only if the Allow User to View Costs option is set to Yes.
View Cross Cono Costs

Specify the operator's permissions for viewing specify whether the operator can view the cost of items in other companies when using the Warehouse Availability view in Product Availability Inquiry . This field applies to the Distribution SX.e integration with Infor Configure Price Quote.


Allow Manual List Operator Override

This option controls access to the Oper field in Product Administration Exception Processing Center. The logged in operator’s initials are displayed in this field when the Record Type is Manual, and cannot be changed unless this option is set to Yes. The ability to change the operator’s initials should be limited to supervisors only.

Allow Mass Maintenance

Indicate if the operator can access to the Mass Update function in the Product Administration Exception Processing Center.

Manual Product List Option

Select an option to determine which options the operator can access in Product Administration Exception Processing Center.


Allow Customer Credit Processing

Indicate if the operator can process customer credits. Customer credits apply to these transaction types in Sales Order Entry and Customer functions:

  • RM order with an Invoice tied at the header level (Creates Customer Transaction Entry Credit Memo transaction)
  • RA - Receive on Account (Creates Customer Transaction Entry Unapplied Cash transaction)
  • CR orders where the line is a 'credit' line (Creates Customer Transaction Entry Miscellaneous Credit transaction)
  • Customer Transaction Entry Credit Memo and Unapplied Cash transactions
Allow Customer Returns Processing

Indicate if the operator can process customer returns. Customer returns apply to these transaction types in Sales Order Entry and Customer functions:

  • RM orders without an invoice tied at the header level (Create Customer Transaction Entry Miscellaneous Credit transaction)
  • SO orders with a return line (Creates Customer Transaction Entry Miscellaneous Credit transaction)
  • CS orders with a return line (Creates Customer Transaction Entry Miscellaneous Credit transaction)
  • Customer Transaction Entry Miscellaneous Credit transaction
Allow User to Change Master Balances

Indicate if the operator can change account balances on these setup records:

  • Vendor Maintain Balance Entry
  • Customer Maintain Balance Entry
  • CR Bank Setup
  • GL Maintain Balance Entry
  • Product Maintain Balance Entry

We recommend that the only operator with security to change balances is the sys operator. You should change account balances only under special circumstances; you should allow transaction entry functions to update account balances. Updating balances from non-transaction functions is likely to cause audit trail balancing problems.

When you make changes to the master balances, you are required to enter a reason for the change. You can use the SA Balance Maintenance Report to review changes made to the balances.

This option controls only the balances accessed directly from the functions listed. It does not control functions such as Product Adjustment Entry, or other functions whose specific purpose is to change balances. You can set security for those functions on the Function Security view.

Allow User to Post Debits in Cash Receipts

Indicate if the operator can enter debit memos in Customer Cash Receipt Entry. Debit memos are typically used as adjustment transactions to allow full payment on an invoice when the payment amount is less than the amount due. If No is selected, the Debit Memo option is not accessible.

Allow User to Process Addon Invoices

Indicate if the operator can process Addon type invoices in Vendor Invoice Center Entry. If No is selected, the operator cannot view addon invoices entered by other users.

Allow User to Process Expense Invoices

Indicate if the operator can process Expense type invoices in Vendor Invoice Center Entry. If No is selected, the operator cannot view expense invoices entered by other users.

Allow User to Process Trade Invoices

Indicate if the operator can process Trade type invoices in Vendor Invoice Center Entry. If No is selected, the operator cannot view trade invoices entered by other users.

Allow Vendor Returns/Credit Processing

Indicate if the operator can process vendor returns and credits. Vendor returns and credits apply to the following transaction types in Purchase Order Entry and Vendor Invoice Center Entry:

  • RM orders
  • Miscellaneous Credit and Credit Memo transactions
Cash Receipts Write Off Limit

The amount the operator is allowed to write off in Customer Cash Receipt Entry. You can also specify a Paid in Full Allowance Amount in SA Administrator Options-Customers-Cash Receipts. The operator can write off the greater of these two amounts.

GL Department

Specify a security mask for a specific department number. The department number is defined in the second segment of the GL Account Setup account code. Entering a department number limits inquiry or entry to this department number only, unless the operator obtains authorization from someone with the ability to grant the operator authority to bypass this security setting. Leave 0 (zero) in this field to allow access to all departments.

GL Division

If you use full or partial divisionalized accounting, you can create a security mask that limits entry or inquiry for this operator to a specific division’s transactions. The security mask also limits access to some General Ledger reports.The division number is defined in the first segment of the GL Account Setup account code. If the operator enters an account code with a division number different than the one specified here, an error message is displayed. The operator must then get assistance from a supervisor who can grant authorization to the user.

Note:  This functionality is not enforced in every function; for example, lookups.

Leave 0 (zero) in this field to allow access to all divisions.

GL Sub Account

Specify a security mask for a specific department number. The subaccount number is defined in the fourth segment of the GL Account Setup account code. Entering a subaccount number limits inquiry and entry to a specific subaccount. Leave 0 in this field to allow access to all subaccounts.


Activity Security

This setting determines the operator's functional security for the Activities context application. This table shows the security levels and their descriptions:

Security level Description
No Access or Inquiry The operator can view activities.
Modify The operator can edit and close existing activities.
Add The operator can add, edit, and close activities.
Delete The operator can add, edit, delete, and close activities.
Allow Access to Acquired Date

Indicate is the operator can access to the Acquired Date field in the Frozen section of Product Warehouse Product Setup-Ordering.

The Acquired Date is used to show when the product is first received into inventory. It is updated automatically when the product is first received as a product receipt, return, unavailable product, or stock adjustment. It can also be updated manually in Product Warehouse Product Setup-Ordering, Product Administration Exception Processing Center-Mass Update, Product Detail-Frozen, and Manual Product List functions, and Purchase Demand Center Entry if this option is set to Yes.

The Acquired Date can also be initially set in Product Adjust Non-stock/Direct Order Entry when converting nonstock inventory into stock.

If the Acquired Date is populated, this date is used on the Product Surplus Stock Report instead of the Entered Date when calculating whether surplus exists for the product.

Allow Access to Extended System Tables

Indicate if the operator can add, change, and delete values for Sales Order Entry or Purchase Order Entry transactions, such as addons, unit conversions, and divisions, that are set up in SA Table Code Value Setup. We suggest you select No for most operators.

Allow Access to Other Operator Activities

Indicate if the operator can access to other operators’ activities in the Activities context application. If you select Yes, the Activity Security setting determines the functions that the operator can perform on other operators’ activities. For example, if Inquiry is selected for an operator's Activity Security setting, then the operator can only inquire on other operators’ activities.

Allow Access to Secured Notes

Indicate if the operator can view secured notes. The setting for this option overrides the Allow Update of Product Notes and Allow Update of Customer Notes settings.

Allow Access to Standard Notes

Select Yes to enable the operator to create, edit, or delete notes, including secure notes if the Allow Access to Secured Notes option is set to Yes. If you select No, the operator can only view notes.

The setting for this option overrides the Allow Update of Product Notes and Allow Update of Customer Notes settings. This option is also dependent upon the operator’s overall security settings for each module. If the operator does not have security to delete records in a module, they cannot delete notes while in that module.

Allow Intercompany Processing

Indicate if the operator can perform intercompany functions such as warehouse transfers, copying General Ledger account codes across companies, or making intercompany inquiries.

Allow Override of Login Credit Mgr

Indicate if the operator can change the credit manager that is currently logged into the system. The credit manager is the person at your company who is in charge of obtaining credit reports, maintaining and updating credit information, and approving credit when requested by the customer.

Allow Update of Customer Notes

Indicate if the operator can create, edit, or delete a customer note.

Note:  The Allow Access to Standard Notes and Allow Access to Secured Notes settings, which determine if the operator can create and maintain notes throughout the application, override the customer note setting.
Allow Update of Product Notes

Indicate if the operator can create, edit, or delete a product note.

Note:  The Allow Access to Standard Notes and Allow Access to Secured Notes settings, which determine if the operator can create and maintain notes throughout the application, override the product note setting.
Contact Management Security

Dropbox Authorization

If you are setting up the Dropbox third-party file hosting application, specify the final authorization key for the user in this field. The user receives this key when they install and configure Dropbox on their system.

See the information in this help system about enabling report output to Dropbox.

Extension Access Level

Use this setting to grant access to the Extension Enablement Toolkit in the More... menu in the application menu bar. Select Company or System to indicate the level at which the user can create, modify, and delete custom extensions. No Access is the default value.

The Extension Enablement Toolkit is part of the standard product, but requires an advanced understanding of CSS and JavaScript to fully utilize it. We recommend that you engage Infor Consulting Services to either learn how to use the Extension Enablement Toolkit, or to have their developers use it to extend Distribution SX.e for your business requirements.

Note: This setting does not grant access to SA Extension Administrator. You must specify a security level for SA Extension Administrator on the Function Security tab.
Save/Load Web Modifications

Indicate if the operator can save and load personalized views in Sales Order Entry, Purchase Order Entry; and in Transfer Entry grid layouts throughout the application. Indicate the level at which personalization settings can be save and loaded. If None is selected, the personalization feature is disabled.

Save/Load Web Settings

Indicate if the operator can save and load personalized default settings in Sales Order Entry, Purchase Order Entry, and Transfer Entry. Indicate the level at which personalization settings can be save and loaded. If None is selected, the personalization feature is disabled.