SM Sales Analysis Report ranges and options


Use Which Form (1-19)

Specify one of these standard reports:

  • 1: Category by Product
  • 2: Category by Warehouse
  • 3: Product by Warehouse
  • 4: Product by Customer
  • 5: Warehouse by Product
  • 6: Warehouse by Category
  • 7: Sales representative by Customer
  • 8: Sales representative by Product
  • 9: Sales representative by Category
  • 10: Customer by Product
  • 11: Customer by Category
  • 12: Customer by Ship To
  • 13: Customer by Ship To by Product
  • 14: Customer by Ship To by Category
  • 15: Customer Type by Territory
  • 16: Territory by Product
  • 17: Customer Type by Category by Territory
  • 18: Vendor by Product
  • 19: Vendor by Category

Your system administrator can create custom reports in SA Administrator Options. Custom reports are not stored reports. Stored reports are reports that are scheduled to run at specific times and within the same specific parameters each time.

(D)etail, (S)ummary, (T)otal, or (G)rand

Specify one of these values to determine the level of detail on the report:

  • D: Includes invoice-level detail for the entities that are included in the ranges. This option can result in a lengthy report.
  • S: Includes summary totals for entities included in the ranges. For example, if you specify a range that includes all product categories, the summary totals for each product in each category print. Summary totals do not include individual invoices. Not all report formats offer the same level of detail.
  • T: Includes subtotals of each specified range. For example, if you have specified a range that includes all product categories, a subtotal for each product category is included in the report.
  • G: Includes a single grand total with no detail.
(A)nalysis or (B)alance Information
Specify A to include analysis information on the report. Specify B to include balance information on the report.
If Bal, Print (G)ross or (N)et Sales

If you specified B in (A)nalysis or (B)alance Information, then this option applies to the report. Otherwise, this option is ignored.

Specify G to include gross sales information on the report. Specify N to include net sales information.

Use (I)nside or (O)utside Salesrep
Because an outside sales representative is required on customer records, we recommend that you specify O to avoid missing sales figures.
(S)pec Item, (D)ir Ord, (R)eg, or (A)ll Orders

This option determines what types of products to include on the report, based on Sales Order Entry transactions. Specify one of these values:

  • S: Includes products that were sold as a special line item
  • D: Includes products that were sold as a direct order
  • R: Includes all products that are not special line items or direct orders
  • A: Includes all products
Page Break on Totals?
Select Yes to print a separate page for each section.
Prod Descrip (L)ookup (P)artial (F)ull

The report includes the lookup name or brief description specified in Product Setup. Specify one of these values:

  • L: Includes the lookup name
  • P: Includes the first line of the brief description
  • F: Includes both lines of the brief description. The note on the user interface pertains to this value.
Enter Product Category List
To specify a list of product categories, select Yes, and then click List. To use the range of product categories, select No.
Sales Whse: O)nly, E)xcl, I)ncl, U)se Ord Whse

This option determines what warehouses are included in the warehouse range. Specify one of these values:

  • O: Includes only those orders with a sales warehouse.
  • E: Excludes orders with a sales warehouse.
  • I: Includes orders with a sales warehouse and orders with an order warehouse only.
  • U: Ignores the sales warehouse on orders. Only the order warehouse is used by the report. If you do not use the Sales Warehouse feature, select this option.
National Pgm: O)nly, E)xclude, I)nclude

You can filter to include only National Program lines, exclude all National Program lines, or include National Program lines. This option affects all formats (1-19).

When National Program lines are included on this report, lines are processed on Customer [Dealer] orders that are flagged as National Program lines. The sales amount for National Program lines is the sales amount for the line on the Customer [Dealer] order, plus the sales amount on all associated lines on the claim order.

Taxes and add-ons are not included. For each non-kit line, claim lines are included by the system for both product and commission amounts. For kit lines, claim lines for all kit components and commission lines on the claim order associated with the kit are included by the system.

This report skips customers that are flagged as National Program Claim Accounts in Customer Setup to prevent the possibility of double counting sales amounts on both dealer and claim CR orders.