Vendor Invoice Group Entry field descriptions
Fields are presented in alphabetical order.
- Group
Specify the name of the group you want to view.
- Application
AP is automatically displayed in this field to indicate that you are creating a group for the Vendor (Accounts Payable) module.
Invoice Groups grid
- Description
The description of the group. Groups created on demand in Vendor AP Invoice Center Entry are also displayed in the grid. If the group was created on demand, the description will be "Default Group for xxx" where xxx is the login of the operator that created the one-time group on demand.
- Group
The name of the group.
- Last Changed By
The initials of the user to last add, change, or delete a transaction in the group.
- Last Maintained
The date the group was last maintained. If this date is more current than the Last Posted Date, the group should be updated to ensure General Ledger entries are current.
- Last Posted
The date the group was last updated on. If this date is less recent than the Last Maintained date, the group should be updated to ensure General Ledger entries are current.
- Last Posted By
The initials of the last user to update the group.
- Operator Initials
The login of the operator this group is limited to. If this column is blank, the group is open for processing by all users that have access to Vendor AP Invoice Center Entry.
- Proof Credits
The anticipated credit proof amounts for the group. This column may be blank.
- Proof Debits
The anticipated debit proof amounts for the group. This column may be blank.
- Type
The type of group. Accounts Payable groups can be either one-time or recurring.
Entry Fields
- Application
AP is automatically displayed in this field to indicate that you are creating a group for the Vendor (Accounts Payable) module. You cannot change this field.
- Created By/On
The initials in this field reflect the operator that created the group. The date the group was created appears next to the operator initials. These two values never change.
- Description
Specify a description of the group to detail the reasons for the group, such as "08/27/19 Daily Update." If the group is a recurring group, it is helpful to specify key words in the description, such as "Monthly Rent."
- Division #
- Specify a division number to associate this invoice group with a division. The division number can be used to group all invoice groups by division when you perform a search.
- Group
The name of the group. If you are creating a new group, the group name can consist of letters and numbers and must be unique for each group. If you selected an existing group in the Invoice Group grid, the group name cannot be edited.
- Last Changed By/On
The Last Changed By initials reflect the last operator to add, change, or delete a group transaction through Vendor AP Invoice Center Entry. The date is updated each time a group transaction is added, changed, or deleted. Use these fields with the Last Posted By/On fields to determine if the group needs to be updated.
- Last Posted By/On
The initials of the last operator to perform Final Update on this group file are displayed in this field, along with the date the update was performed. The Last Posted By date is updated each time Final Update or Vendor Entry Group Update processes the group file. Use these fields with the Last Changed By/On fields to determine if the group needs to be updated.
- Operator Initials
Assign a login to the group to limit access to invoices in that group to the designated login. If this field is blank, then the invoices in the group are open to all users with access to Vendor Invoice Center Entry.
If there is an issue (turnover, someone out sick and someone else needs to work with their invoices, and so on) and the operator assigned to the group needs to be changed, someone with System Administrator privileges must change the operator ID for the group. Additionally, any user with AP Supervisor Status (the Give AP Supervisor Status to this Operator option is selected in ) can access the group to update or delete it.
- Proof Debits/Proof Credits
The Proof Debits/Proof Credits amounts can be the anticipated posting amounts for this session, or you can leave the fields blank. If you want to check for errors during transaction entry, specify the anticipated posting amounts in these fields. When you perform Final Update with the Update option not selected, the system performs an error check. You can compare the anticipated posting amounts you entered in these fields to the actual transaction amounts that would be posted if you update the group. If there are discrepancies, you can review the transactions before updating them.
- Type
The type of group. Accounts Payable groups can be either one-time or recurring.