Transfer Exception Report ranges and options
- Print (S)hipping Co. or (R)eceiving Co.
Specify S to print valid exceptions for the ship from company, within the ranges.
Specify R to print valid exceptions for the ship to company, within the ranges.
- Over X Days From Req Date to Ship Date?
Accept the default value to exclude all exceptions, unless there is not a variance between the requested date and ship date.
If a transfer has a requested date/ship date variance that is greater than the number of days for this option, they are included on the report.
- Over X Days From Ship Date to Rcv Date?
If a transfer has a ship date to receive date variance that is greater than the number of days in this option, it is included on the report. The variance can indicate that you should use a different carrier or revise receiving procedures.
Note: The ***WT Shipped and Not Received*** exception identifies warehouse transfers that have been shipped and not received by the ship to warehouse.
- Open WT Orders?
Select Yes to include open transfers on the report. Open transfers are currently in use, based on the signed-in operator’s initials.
- Due Date Overridden?
If the due date was overridden on the transfer header, the transfer is an exception. Select Yes to include details of due date exceptions on the report.
- Order Shipped Short?
If you run the report for the shipping warehouse, select Yes to include transfers that meet these criteria:
- The total quantity that was shipped is less than the quantity that was ordered.
- The transfer is in Stage 3-Shipped through Stage 6-Received.
Note: You can only short ship quantities, not values.
- Order Received Short/Long?
If you run the report for the shipping warehouse, select Yes to include transfers that meet these criteria:
- The total quantity that was received does not equal the total quantity that was shipped.
- The transfer is in Stage 5-Exception or Stage 6-Received.
Detail is included for each exception line. Review the Qty Ship and Qty Rcvd columns to determine whether a line was short or long.
Select No to exclude records that do not match the quantity that was shipped.
- OE/WT # Erroneous Ties?
Select Yes to process sales order and transfer direct order ties at the line item level. If a transfer is tied to a transfer line item or sales order line item that no longer exists, it is an exception that is included on the report. If a direct order is tied to more than one order or transfer, you must manually remove the ties in Transfer Entry. The exception is included on the report until the tie is removed.
Select No to exclude the erroneous ties from the report.
- ARP Path Not Followed?
Select Yes to include transfers with an overridden ARP.
Any warehouse transfer with an overridden ARP is considered an exception.
- Print Lead Time Exceptions?
Select Yes to include lead time exceptions.
Lead time is an important factor in determining when products should be ordered and shipped. If a product’s lead time has more than a 50% variance or the last receipt of the product was more than six months ago, an exception exists. When a lead time exception exists, review the product’s replenishment records.
- Qty Received Unavailable?
Select Yes to include the transfers that were received with unavailable quantity to sell.
Receiving unavailable quantities indicates a lack of efficiency. Shipping methods, packaging, or warehouse personnel might have caused the unavailability of the products. Review these exceptions.
- Not Approved Line Items?
Select Yes to include unapproved line items.
Unapproved line items are considered an exception because it indicates a lack of control. A warehouse transfer does not advance to Stage 1-Ordered until all line items have been approved or not approved. If a line item has not been approved, its status has been changed for a specific reason and it should be reviewed.
- No Arp Vendor/Arp Whse for Nonstock
Select Yes to include nonstock products that meet one of these criteria:
- Are not assigned an ARP warehouse
- Are assigned an ARP vendor in Transfer Entry
- WT DO Tied to Suspend OE DO Order/Line
Select Yes to include information about transfer direct orders that are tied to sales order direct order that is suspended.
- Totals Only?
Select Yes to generate a summary report that only includes totals information.
Select No to include detail information on the report. The report will be lengthy.