Receiving a purchase order

Every purchase order must be processed in Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry, including Direct Orders (DO), before it can be costed. Use these instructions to inquire on purchase orders before you receive them. You can change the lines individually, or you can select multiple lines and choose Set Qty Received to Zero or Set Qty Received to Qty Ordered.

If your company policy requires you to pre-receive, run the Purchase Pre-receiving Report before you perform this task.

  1. Select Purchase > Entry > Receipt of Inventory.
  2. Conduct a search for the purchase order to receive.
  3. To receive all lines on the purchase order:
    1. Select the purchase order.
    2. Click Full Receipt.
    3. Click OK to open a journal.
    4. Click Final Update.
    5. Specify printer information, and then click OK.
  4. To review the lines individually, open the purchase order.
  5. Click OK to open a journal.
  6. To change the quantity received, select a line.

    If multiple lines on the purchase order contain the same product and you specify a quantity greater than was ordered, you can allocate the quantity received to the common lines. When Over Received Qty – Product on Multiple Lines; Would You Like to Allocate the Quantity? is displayed, click Yes. The Allocate Quantity Received window opens. It displays the lines containing the common product. Select a line item and specify the quantity you are receiving, up to the quantity to be allocated.

    If you receive more of a nonstock product than was ordered, the sales order line is updated automatically with the received quantity during Sales Entry Processing Back Order Fill if PO Receipts is selected for Over Fill Tied Order Quantity With Receipt Quantity in SA Administrator Options-Products-Defaults.

  7. To reprice a line containing a nonstock, select the line and then select Actions > Reprice OE Line. The repricing function resets the price based on the information entered and the available pricing records. If you have a cost-based pricing record and the cost is changed, you can reprice to calculate the new price.

    The line should be repriced when received, so that the cost and margin-based Pricing/Discounting records calculates the price correctly.

  8. To specify or change the bin location for a nonstock, specify the location in the Bin Loc field in the Extend - Product section.
  9. Make any necessary changes to the other fields.
  10. Repeat steps 7-10 for all lines on the purchase order.
  11. To cancel all receiving work, click Cancel Work.
  12. To accept all receiving work and return to the Purchase Entry Receipt of Inventory window, click Update.
  13. To view all receipts on this PO, click Receiving Report.
  14. When you are finished, click Final Update.
  15. Select printers.
  16. Indicate the print order for pick tickets.
  17. Click OK.