Setting up a product restriction record

Use Product Restrictions Setup to create and maintain product restriction records that prevent products from being sold to unauthorized customers and enable your company to comply with the product restrictions mandated by government entities, distributors, or vendors.

Product restriction records are set up by product types and are further defined by customer-level records that are attached to the main product restriction. Depending on how the record is set up, the product may be allowed, allowed with a certificate or license, not allowed, or not allowed with a restriction override option. Restriction codes, which are created in SA Table Code Value Setup, are specified on the product restriction record. These user-defined codes represent the restriction and provide a description.

Products are validated against the product restriction records in functions where a sales order line or sales order can be created, edited, copied, converted, finished, manually shipped, or electronically received.

Before creating a restriction record, consider how you can impose the restriction without creating unnecessary records that might impede Distribution SX.e performance. For example, if a product is restricted in Hawaii and Alaska but not in the contiguous United States, you could create a main product restriction record that does not allow the product and attach two customer-level restriction records, one for Hawaii and one for Alaska. Optionally, you could create a main product restriction record that allows the product and attach 48 customer-level restriction records, one for each state except Hawaii and Alaska.

Use these instructions to create a product restriction record:

  1. Select Product > Setup > Product Restrictions.
  2. Click New.
  3. Select the type of restriction record you want to create.
  4. Specify the settings that correspond to type of record you are creating. For example, if you selected Product Category in the Restriction Type field, a Product Category field is displayed.

    If you select Product Line, the Vendor field is also displayed. If you specify a product line, specify the ARP vendor for that product line. If you do not specify a product line, restrictions are only applied to the ARP vendor, instead of the ARP vendor and the product line.

  5. Specify the start date.
  6. Optionally, specify a warehouse if this restriction record is warehouse-specific.

    The Warehouse option must be selected in SA Admin Options - Products for this field to display.

  7. On the General view, specify a restriction code.
  8. Specify the status of the restriction record.
  9. Optionally, specify the expire date of the restriction record.

    If you specify an expiration date, this record is not included in validation processing that occurs on or after the expiration date.

  10. Indicate if this restriction record allows or does not allow the product to be sold.
  11. Indicate if a certificate or license is required to buy the product.
  12. Indicate if this restriction can be overridden during order entry.
  13. Click Save
  14. To create a customer-level product restriction record, access the Customer Detail view, and click New.
  15. Select the type of restriction record you want to create.
  16. Complete the remaining fields. Note these features and limitations:
    • If you select City-State, you can specify city and state, or only the state. If you specify a city, you must specify a state.
    • If you select Customer # or Ship To, you can also specify its location by state, postal code, or country.
    • If you select Postal Code, you can specify between 3 and 10 digits. If you do not specify a full postal code, the restriction record is applied to all the postal codes that match the digits you specified. For example, if you specified 809, the restriction record would be applied to all customers in the 80900 through 80999 postal code areas.
  17. Click Save.