Creating and updating vendor on sale rebates
Use these instructions to process an EDI 845in flat file to create and update vendor on sale rebate records. We recommend that you process the report in non-update mode and review all errors before processing the report in update mode.
- Select Electronic Data Interchange > Entry > EDE Reports > Processing Contract Pricing.
- Run a one-time report or a stored report.
- Specify report and printing information, and then click Next.
Specify this information, and then click
- (E)dit, (U)pdate, (B)oth or (N)one
Specify E to create PD Mass Maintenance Entry records for transactions that contain no errors or detail-level errors.
Specify U to create or update PD Pricing Setup records.
Specify B to create PD Pricing Setup records for transactions with no errors and PD Mass Maintenance Entry records for transactions with detail-level errors.
Specify N to run the report in non-update mode to generate an exception report.
- Printer for log
Specify a printer for the log file.
If an issue occurs, use the log to determine when the system stopped processing. The only information that is printed to the log file is the trading partner identifier and the first six characters of each record.
- EDI Flat File Directory
- Optionally, specify the directory to store the EDI flat files. This directory overrides the default EDI directory set up in SA Company Setup-Required.
- Click Save.