Sales Drawer Reconciliation Entry field descriptions

Fields are presented in alphabetical order.


Counted Balance in Drawer
The counted balance from the drawer.
The calculated discrepancy between the beginning balance and the counted balance.
Net Total Transactions in Drawer
Total amount of all the cash in, cash out, and payments received.
Starting Balance Plus Total Transactions in Drawer
The new starting balance. The Warehouse Drawer Starting Balance amount + Net Total Transactions in Drawer amount = Starting Balance Plus Total Transactions in Drawer amount.
Warehouse Drawer Starting Balance
The ending balance from the last reconciled amount from Product Cash Drawer Setup.

Transaction grid

The amount entered for the transaction.
Any comments enter in Sales Drawer Transaction Entry.
The customer number associated with the transaction.
Customer Name
The customer name from the Customer Setup record.
The description for the transaction type created in Product Cash Drawer Setup.
Journal #
The journal number for the transaction.
Order #
If applicable, the order number for the transaction.
Order Type
The order type of the order, such as stock order, counter sale.
Payment Type
The payment type of the transaction that is assigned during transaction entry. Payment Type was set up in SA Table Code Value Setup-Petty Cash Transactions.
Ship To
The customer's Ship To number, if applicable.
Taken By
The operator initials for the operator who entered the transaction.
The transaction source, such as OE, ROA, PC. This includes transactions from Sales Order Entry tendering and Receive on Account, Sales Drawer Transaction Entry, and SX.API.