Auto accept and merge
If you have certain product lines that are replenished consistently, you can select Auto Merge in Product Line Setup-General. When this option is selected, and the value specified in the Target Buy Level field of the Purchase Levels section is met, then, the product line review is accepted and merged without manual intervention.
As a Purchase Entry Recommended Replenishment Action Report (PO RRAR) is created, the information reviewed for the report includes verification that the Auto Merge option is selected for the product line. The target is also checked to see if the target is met. If met, the PO RRAR is automatically accepted and records are created for the PO RRAR merge process.
Using a stored report, you select the options for the automatic printing of purchase orders. This stored report is used by the PO RRAR merge function and must be named @automrg.
To create the Auto Merge stored report, access Purchase Entry RRAR Merge Process Report and create a stored report named @automrg. Set the options as required for your company. You must define the Buyer. This is required, but the value is overridden with the buyer from Purchase Demand Center Entry. Do not change the default asterisks for the Order Date option.