WL Zero Shipped Orders Report overview
Function acronym: WLRZ
Use this report to show orders in Stage 1 (Ordered) that were zero shipped in TWL.
Lost business lines and returned lines are excluded from this report. Sales Order Entry lines that are back ordered are not displayed on this report.
Zero shipping an order or warehouse transfer, or picking a zero quantity for a line item, indicates a quantity discrepancy between the system and TWL, and the order is uploaded to the system. The transaction is held in WL Transaction Inquiry until the WL Entry Batch Shipping Report is generated to pick up the SHP transaction.
The WL Entry Batch Shipping Report resets the order to Stage 1 (Ordered). These orders are put on credit hold, based on the option, Approve Type for Zero Shipped Orders Placed on Hold, in SA Administrator Options-Logistics-WL Options. After you make changes, release the order from hold. Reprint the order. The order goes through the interface and reappears in TWL Outbound-Order Management-Order Drop Manager for processing.
You should determine what caused the order to be zero shipped. For example, an out-of-balance condition may exist between the system and TWL or replenishment may be pending. If the source of the zero shipment is not corrected, you might face the same situation when the order is downloaded again.
If you download a transfer but nothing can be shipped, you can zero ship the transfer in Order Drop Manager. A zero shipped transfer can also occur if the transfer was dropped, but the picker could not pick anything on the transfer. The zero shipped transfer is automatically canceled by the system. Unprinted back orders that may exist are deleted. If the transfer must be filled after the WL Entry Batch Shipping Report is run, copy the transfer to another number because TWL cannot process the same number.