VA Receipt of Inventory Entry overview

Value Add > Entry > Receipt of Inventory

Function acronym: VAEI

After your internal processing department completes the VA product fabrication, use this function to receive the product into your inventory.

If a VA order is locked, the initials of the user who is locking the VA order displays in the Lock column, for example aek. Received orders that are ready to be processed by a final update are identified in the Lock column by appending –Rec to the initials, for example, aek-Rec. Orders to be processed when you click Final Update are prefaced with an asterisk, for example, *aek-Rec. If there is additional information about the lock, it displays in the Information column.

Because the product is fabricated internally, no purchase order exists that needs to be costed, and no invoice is received from a service vendor. After you perform the Final Update process, the stage of the VA order is 7-Closed. When the finished product is received, the value of the product in the General Ledger is moved from the work-in-progress account to the appropriate inventory account.


When a VA product is fabricated, there may be an excess of raw material or other by-products of the fabrication process that must be returned. When the finished product is received, this surplus material can be entered into the system. It is applied as a reduction to the cost of the finished product.

Shipping IN Sections

Unshipped IN sections can be shipped from VA Receipt of Inventory Entry if the Allow VA Auto Ship from Receiving option is selected in SA Operator Setup. The IN section must have the full quantity to ship. You are prompted to auto ship if there are any open IN sections with sequence number less than the first open IT or IS section. For IN sections with partial quantity available, the partial amount is auto shipped, and a back order (BO) section is created for the remaining amount. If this is the case, you cannot complete the VA order at this point because the BO IN section is not complete. The error, “Prior Sections Not Complete” is displayed.

VA orders with an open IT or IS section that match the search criteria are displayed in the grid when you click Search. The final product on the VA order appears with 0 (zero) in the Sequence # column and no section information. If you complete a section, that section no longer appears.

Select a VA order or section in the grid and use one of these VA-specific options:

  • Sections Needing Completion – If available, the VA order includes sections that need to be completed. Use to complete the incomplete sections.
  • Full Receipt - Use to receive the order in full. All IT and IS sections must be complete, and IN sections must be shipped.
  • Final Update - Use to submit fully received VA Orders for final processing. The Final Update is processed based on the open initials and the status of the receipt. A selected order that has not been received is not assigned open initials when you click Final Update. Open initials are assigned when the order is received. You can cancel a receipt by clearing the initials, drilling in, and backing out of the order.
  • Addons - Use to specify or update addons. VA Addons are specified as amounts and apply to the total cost of the finished product.
  • Cancel VA Order – Use to delete or send the selected order to lost business. You are prompted to select Delete or Lost Business and specify a reason.

Receiving validations

There are a number of requirements that must be met before you can perform the final update process that moves the VA order to Stage 7 (Closed).
  • You cannot perform a Full Receipt or access the Detail windows until all internal processing (IT) and inspection (IS) sections are complete. IT and IS sections can be completed in VA Receipt of Inventory Entry.
  • All inventory in (IN) sections must be shipped before you can perform a final update. Unshipped inventory in IN sections can be auto shipped if the Allow VA Auto Ship from Receiving option is selected in SA Operator Setup-Other Entry Options.
  • All sections must be in Stage 7 before the Final Update process picks them up and completes the receipt of inventory process.

Partially receiving a VA order

You can partially receive items for Internal (IT) and Inspection (IS) sections in VA Entry Receipt of Inventory, unless there is a backorder an Inventory Component (IN) section item. A message is displayed:

Cannot Receive More Than Shipped. Max Quantity That Can Be Received Is nnnn (6647)

The IT or IS section is moved to the backorder and is not shipped by VA Receipt of Inventory Entry until the full quantities are received.

Note: If any amounts posted in the IT or IS section are incomplete, you must manually add the correct amount to the backorder.