TWL Administration - RF Employee Setup overview

TWL > Administration > RF Employee

Function acronym: TWLAE

Use this page to set up an RF employee record. The TWL RF Employee Setup record defines the home company and warehouse for an employee. Use the RF Employee record, and the associated RF Security section, to set parameters and security for each TWL RF operator.

You can create a new RF employee record by selecting New. In the Required section, you can set up basic employee information, including a password. Then, in the RF Security section, you can select the appropriate access to RF functions.

To make updates to existing RF employee records, drill down on the appropriate RF employee record or select the appropriate RF employee record from the grid and press Edit. You can update general employee information and access to different RF functions in the RF Employee screen.

General RF employee information is displayed in the grid TWL RF Employee Setup such as Employee ID, Name, Department, and Shift.

Note: All TWL employees requiring access to TWL Web RF functionality must have basic operator security set up in SA Operator Setup.