SM Vendor Sales History Report overview
Function acronym: SMRVH
Use this report to display detail, subtotals, or grand totals only, and the vendor number, name, and year.
This report has four report formats. Formats #1 and #3 do not include the vendor name. All four formats can be used to create other formats. All figures are rounded to the nearest whole amount.
Security is controlled by the Allow User to View Costs field in SA Operator Setup-Controls, which applies to all report formats. If you do not have security to view costs, you cannot print costs or margins.
Report Formats
There are four pre-designed report formats for vendor sales history.Custom reports can be set up by the System Administrator through SA Administrator Options-System .
- Report Format
This format presents an entire year’s totals on a quarterly basis with four quarterly totals. If you are using 12 periods in your General Ledger, they are evenly divided into four quarters. If you are using 13 periods, the last period is added into the last quarter.
Each history report allows you to select the fiscal year and choose a level of detail. Detail displays individual vendors, products, and so on. Subtotal displays a total for each vendor, product, and so on. Grand total displays a grand total for the entire report. This report format can also display the totals for one of these: units sold, net sales, discount totals, cost of sales, budget totals, or margin.
- Report Format
This format presents up to six period totals on a period-by-period basis and compares them to the corresponding periods of another fiscal year. The report displays an amount and a percent difference between the two years. The comparison is usually made between the current year and the previous year, although you can select any two years that contain totals. As in Report Format #1, you can choose the level of detail you want to show.
Detail displays individual vendors, products, and so on. Subtotal displays a total for each vendor, product, and so on. Grand total displays a grand total for each fiscal year. This report format can also display the totals for one of these: units sold, net sales, discount totals, cost of sales, budget totals, or margin.
- Report Format
This format presents six individual period totals on a period-by-period basis. As in Report Format #1, you can select the fiscal year and the level of detail you want to show. Detail displays individual vendors, products, and so on. Subtotal displays a total for each vendor, product, and so on. Grand total displays only a grand total for the entire report. This format can also display the totals for one of these: units sold, net sales, discount totals, cost of sales, budget totals, or margin.
- Report Format
This format presents up to six individual period totals on a period-by-period basis and compares them to the corresponding budget amounts, giving an amountand percent difference between the two. This report format uses net sales figures only, as budgets can only be entered in net sales amounts. As in Report Format #1, you can select the fiscal year and the level of detail you want to show. Detail displays individual vendors, products, and so on. Sub-total displays a total for each vendor, product, and so on. Grand total displays only a grand total for the entire report.