SM Sales Analysis Report overview
Function acronym: SMRS
Use this report to generate reports for sales analysis. The information contained in these reports is derived from the Sales Order Entry orders file for invoiced orders.
If an order or an order’s lines meet any of this criteria, they are not included in the report:
- Orders that have not been invoiced
- Type RA - Received on Account
- Core charge returns
- Order lines with a quantity shipped of zero
Rebates are included in the report only if the Subtract Customer Rebate from Price and Subtract Vendor Rebate from Cost options in SA Administrator Options-Sales History-Rebates/Basis are selected.
The options on this report govern the range selections, except for the Invoice Date range. Before you run the report, review the options to determine the parameters to use.
The level of detail you include depends on the purpose of the report. Grand total reports are typically on-demand reports and generally include all ranges. The total or summary reports are typically stored reports that run through Report Scheduler. You can use either of these reports as a screening report for spotting trends. The total or summary reports generally include all ranges, but can be run for a specific range.
Typically, detail reports do not include all available ranges on this report. You can run a detail report to examine questionable results that were included on the total or summary report.
Discount percents print as positive figures if the total discounts and the gross sales or discount percent are positive or both are negative. Discount percents print as negative figures if the figures are opposite signs.
The report formats vary depending on the ranges and options entered. The ranges and options are the same for all report formats and every range you specify affects every report you run.
If ranges are specified, these entities must fall within all ranges to print on the report:
- Product
- Product Category
- Customer
- Ship To
- Sales Representative
- Warehouse
- Territory
Except for Customer Type, Territory, and Region, information for the ranges on this report is stored at the line item level.
Sales Warehouse
If you use a sales warehouse to credit sales to the originating location, you can include orders with a sales warehouse on this report. If the report contains both orders with a sales warehouse and orders with only an order warehouse, the sales warehouse is indicated on the report. Implementing the use of a sales warehouse is activated in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Entry Settings.
For each report format, you can include invoice-level details for orders included on the report. If you select a format that does not group by warehouse, the sales warehouse is included in the detail level. If you select a format that groups data by warehouse, the sales warehouse is used in the Group section. Report formats are selected by specifying a form number for the Use Which Form (1-19) option. These formats group by warehouse:
- Form 2 – Product Category by Warehouse
- Form 3 – Product by Warehouse
- Form 5 – Warehouse by Product
- Form 6 – Warehouse by Product Category