SM Rebate Report overview

Sales Manager > Reports > SM Reports > SMROR

Function acronym: SMROR

Use this report to generate an in-depth report of outstanding rebate amounts, including customer rebates, vendor on sale rebates, and vendor on purchase rebates. You can also use this report to send the EDI 844 Product Transfer/Account Adjustment document to vendors.

Claim numbers

Claim numbers are used to reconcile payments from vendors to the amount claimed. When this report is processed, unique claim numbers are assigned to the vendor rebates that are moved from the Invoice stage to the Printed stage. These options determine if rebates are moved to the Printed stage:

  • Status (I)nv, (P)rnt, (D)isp, (U)pd, (R)econ
  • Update Inv Rebates to Printed Status?

Claim numbers can be assigned per vendor or per invoice. Select Yes to generate for the Assign One Claim Per Sales Invoice? option to generate one claim number per sales invoice.

Use Sales Order Inquiry-Line Detail to find the rebate claim number for a sales order. Drill down on an order line in the Line Detail view, then select the Rebate view.


If a build-on-demand kit contains individual components with rebates, the component rebates are included on the report. Pre-built kits are treated as stock items and component rebates are not listed. Vendor rebates for pre-built kits that are set up in PD Pricing Setup are included on the report.

Return Merchandise transactions

Rebates for Return Merchandise (RM) transactions show as negative amounts on the report, decreasing total rebates.


  • For Vendor rebates, rebates due from foreign currency vendors are processed and displayed in the vendor's foreign currency. For example, the values displayed in these report fields are in the vendor's foreign currency: Outstanding Rebate Amount, Net Amount Rebate, Rebate and Rebate Net Cost.
  • For Vendor on Sale rebates, the Net Amount is converted from the currency of the sales order to the vendor's foreign currency.
  • For Vendor on Purchase rebates, the Net Amount is not displayed. When updating, the claim is created in the foreign currency. Instead of having one grand total displayed on the report, the grand totals are grouped by currency. For example, Total # All Vendors - Domestic, Total # All Vendors - CD, Total # All Vendors - UK. The exchange rate is not displayed in the report.
  • Both EDI and XML rebate outputs are updated and sent in the vendor's foreign currency. The XML output includes the Currency Code with the rebate amount.
  • For Customer rebates, the Outstanding Rebate Amount is displayed in the customer’s currency in the Customer header of the report, as Customer Rebates Due. As with vendor rebates, the grand totals are grouped by currency.


If No is selected for the Allow User to View Costs setting on your SA Operator Setup-Controls, cost and net cost are not included on the report.


Vendor rebate claims are sorted by vendor, but you can use these options to apply additional sorting criteria:

  • Assign One Claim Per Sales Invoice
  • Sort By Customer, Customer Ship To, Division, Claim number
  • Sort by Warehouse

If you assign on claim number per sales invoice and apply all sorting options, the claims are sorted by these values in this order:

  1. Warehouse
  2. Vendor
  3. Contract
  4. Customer, Ship To, Division, None [based on selection]
  5. Claim number
  6. Order number

EDI 844 Product Transfer/Account Adjustment

If you use the report to send an EDI 844 Product Transfer/Account Adjustment document to vendors, you can generate these types of files:

  • XML files that are processed through Infor ION
  • XML files that is not processed through Infor ION
  • EDI flat files

The type of output that is generated for a vendor is selected in the Rebates field in Vendor Setup-eCommerce. EDI 844 Product Transfer/Account Adjustment output can be translated and mapped into a format that the vendor can consume, if the vendor requires it.

If output is either type of XML file, the report generates one XML file for each claim number.

All sales, price, and cost values in XML files are represented in the currency that is specified on your SA Company Setup record.

If an Alternate Product Group is specified on a product or catalog record, the product is included on the report only if Report to Supplier is selected on the Alternate Product Group record in SA Table Code Value Setup. The report does not include the Alternate Product Group value.

See the Infor Distribution SX.e Setup and Administration Guide for EDI.