SA Data Archive Transfers Report overview

System Administrator > Data Archive Purge > SAD Reports > SADDT

Function acronym: SADDT

Use this report to archive received or canceled warehouse transfers that meet the date criteria that is specified on the report.

The archive process archives data from these files:

  • WT header record
  • WT line item record
  • WT Entry OE/WT # record
  • Transfer notes
  • Line comments

This table shows the criteria that determines if a record is archived:

Record Criteria

Receipt date

Stage 6-Received

Canceled transfer

Last transaction date

Stage 9-Canceled

Direct Order transfer (DO)

Receipt date or last transaction date

Tied sales order must be in Stage 5-Paid or Stage 9-Canceled

Any back orders must be canceled or be in Stage 6-Received.

If a transfer is tied to a purchase order or sales order, it is archived or purged. The purchase order or sales order is not archived or purged.

If a transfer is archived or purged, the OEEHP record that is created when a transfer is shipped through the Shipping Interface is purged.

If a transfer or order has serial or lot products, the transfer or order suffix on the associated Inventory Control record is changed to -99. This change prevents the serial or lot records from being associated with future orders or transfers with the same order number.