SA Administrator Journal Recovery Payroll Report overview
Function acronym: SAAJP
Use this report to recover a character version Payroll Entry Update that does not complete processing because of a system failure or a forced quit by an operator. This report updates the General Ledger accounts.
During Payroll Entry Update, the temporary TOTGL file is updated with the General Ledger information that accumulates for each check processed. After all checks have been processed, the information in TOTGL is written to the General Ledger. If a system failure occurs during this process, the TOTGL file is unaffected. SA Administrator Journal Recovery Payroll Report uses the information in TOTGL to update the General Ledger.
If a system failure occurs while the TOTGL data is being written to the General Ledger, all updating is reversed. After the system recovery is complete, the TOTGL file is restored to its original form. You can then run the SA Administrator Journal Recovery Payroll Report to update the General Ledger properly
After the report is complete, run Payroll Entry Update again to process the remaining checks in the run. A new journal number is used. Compare both journals against your calculation journal. Ensure that all checks were processed correctly and that the correct General Ledger accounts were updated.