SA Administrator Journal Recovery Report overview
Function acronym: SAAJ
Use this report each time sales order invoice processing does not fully complete due to a system failure or a forced quit by an operator. Use this report to update the General Ledger accounts that would have been updated if the process was not interrupted.
As invoice processing completes each order, Order Entry, Accounts Receivable, Pricing and Discounting, Inventory Control, and Sales Manager are updated. A temporary file, called TOTGL, is updated with the General Ledger information as each order is processed. After all orders are completed, the information in TOTGL is written to the General Ledger.
If a system failure occurs when an order is being processed, the Order Entry, Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Price/Discounting, Inventory Control, Sales Manager, and Warehouse Transfer information is reversed for that order. The orders that were processed before the system failure are unaffected.
SA Administrator Journal Recovery Report uses the information in the TOTGL file to update the General Ledger. If a system failure occurs when the TOTGL file is writing to the General Ledger, all updates are reversed. When system recovery is complete, the TOTGL file is restored to its original form. When SA Administrator Journal Recovery Report is run again, information in the TOTGL file is written to the General Ledger.
You can only recover one invoice processing journal at a time. The journal can be open or closed. When a system failure occurs, the journal is typically left open. An operator can manually close a journal by selecting the Closed option in SA Journal Setup. If the Closed option is selected, a new journal is opened during the recovery process. If the Closed option is not selected, the journal is open and the same journal number is used in the recovery process. Whenever possible, recover with an open journal so the same journal number is used.
When invoice processing fails, no message is displayed when the operator signs in again. The system administrator should check for open journals in GL Journal Inquiry each morning to determine if any open journals exist. If one exists for invoice processing, run this report to initiate the journal recovery process.
When you print the journal through the Sales Entry Journal Print Report, the sales orders and General Ledger distribution print on the same journal. If a journal was closed and another journal had to be opened during recovery, you must print both journals through the Sales Entry Journal Print Report. One journal contains the sales orders and the other journal contains the General Ledger distribution information. Both journal numbers are listed on the report.
SA Administrator Journal Recovery Report performs summary postings only. If invoice processing was posted in detail, based on the Only Post Detail if Invoice in Suspense option, each order is posted to the General Ledger as it is encountered during processing. Therefore, when the SA Administrator Journal Recovery Report is run, no postings are required. The journal is closed. The SA Administrator Journal Recovery Report includes the number of General Ledger accounts posted and the last invoice number that was processed. The last invoice number that was processed gives you an estimate of where to restart the next time you perform invoice processing.