SA ION I/C Balances Report overview

System Administrator > Administration > SAA Reports > SAABB

Function acronym: SAABB

If your Distribution SX.e instance is integrated with Infor Service Management, use this report to send the initial data load of inventory count to Infor Service Management.

After the initial load is complete, you can set the report to run as a stored report to provide an ongoing inventory sync between Infor Service Management and the Distribution SX.e system. You can run the stored report as often as required for your business.

Always run the initial data load before you configure SA ION I/C Balances Report as a stored report.

The report sends the Sync.InventoryCount BOD, which contains these current inventory balances from Product Warehouse Product Setup:

  • On-hand
  • Reserved
  • Committed
  • Unavailable
  • Customer reservation

This report also includes associated serial or lot records when the information is available. The InventoryCount BOD is also sent if you change a serial or lot number of a product in Product Administration Change Serial # Report or Product Administration Change Lot # Report.