Purchase PO Purchase Analysis Report overview

Purchase > Reports > PO Reports > PORP

Function acronym: PORP

Use this report to generate an analysis of each vendor and the products they supply to you. This report helps you evaluate your relationship with a vendor.

Analyze purchases to identify:

  • how often you purchase from a vendor
  • the types of products you purchase
  • the number of times you purchase each product
For each purchase order, this information prints:
  • due date and receipt date, which indicates how timely a vendor delivers the products you order.
  • your discount amount
  • quantity of damaged goods

You can print a detailed or summary version of the report. The detailed version includes detailed purchase order lines for each product to support the product and vendor totals.

You can also choose to print:

  • only late purchase orders, identified by the due date being earlier than the receipt date
  • when the cost of the product was overridden. A cost override can indicate that the vendor charged you a different cost than you anticipated. If this happens on a consistent basis and the cost continues to rise, you may want to reevaluate your relationship with that vendor.

If a vendor is a foreign vendor, the currency type is displayed in the banner or detail lines of any report that displays vendor information. Only the Net Amount column is converted to domestic currency; the Price column remains in foreign. The exchange rate used for conversion is the rate stored in the purchase order at the time of receiving. Grand totals and subtotals are meaningless in the Price column as a result of combining domestic and foreign vendor amounts. A message is displayed at the end of all reports which contain a foreign currency vendor.

If a product, set up in Product Setup and Product Warehouse Product Setup, is entered on a purchase order as a nonstock or not-for-resale item, the information from the purchase order line item is used.