Purchase Expedite Report overview

Purchase > Reports > PO Reports > PORBX

Function acronym: PORBX

Use this report to identify and avert potential problems in the replenishment cycle. The replenishment cycle is the process of maintaining your stock items. Use the reporting service to generate this report on a daily basis for each of your suppliers. Consistently generating this report provides you with continuous information about the status of your purchase order exceptions.

This report includes:
  • Purchase order line items that are not received (less than Stage 5)
  • Accumulative (AC) purchase orders
  • Blanket Releases (BR) that have been converted
  • back orders that are the result of a partial receipt
Any one of these four conditions qualifies purchase order line items for this report:
  • The Net Available balance in Product Setup Warehouse Products-Costs is less than or equal to zero and the quantity back ordered for a customer is greater than zero. This represents the most serious condition.
  • The product is stocked out more than a certain number of days. If a product is purposely stocked out, and back orders do not exist, there may be no cause for concern. When you run the report, you can specify how many days out of stock is considered an exception.
  • The stock item might be on a purchase order, but it is late. When you run the report, you can specify the number of days that a purchase order is considered late. The average lead time and delivery history varies with each product, but in general you can detect what is considered late.
  • If your safety allowance is greater than or equal to five stocking units and your Product Warehouse Product Setup-Costs is less than your safety allowance, it is time to expedite. If you have stock items with low usage rates, it is wasteful to expedite those items. They are slow movers and you can afford to be stocked out, thus the five-unit qualifier. If usage and lead time had been accurately predicted, you should have received the goods. Because of longer lead times and heavier usage, an exception exists and requires your attention. This is the early warning signal that indicates action.

When PO Expedite Report is processed, the safety allowance is recalculated for each line if the Safety Allowance Typefield in Product Warehouse Product Setup-Ordering is set to Percent. This calculation is only used for the exception report; Product Warehouse Product Setup is not updated.

A stock item is not included on the report for the same condition on successive reports. After a purchase order line item is displayed on the report, it is not included on subsequent reports unless the order is received or meets one of the other criteria listed above.