Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry overview

Purchase > Entry > Receipt of Inventory

Function acronym: POEI

Use this page to receive or correct purchase orders.

Only purchase orders that are approved are listed in the grid. You can choose a sort method for displaying the purchase orders in order of date, vendor number, amount, purchase order number, or stage.
Note: This functionality is part of an approval process that helps to meet some of the requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.

Specify search criteria for the purchase orders you want to receive and click Search to see a list of purchase orders matching those criteria.

Quick Receive

Use Quick Receive when you have a list of purchase orders that you want to receive in full. The Full Receipt button is not available if the ASN field is Yes (PO is in Ready ASN status).

Final Update

Click Final Update when you are finished all receiving work for the selected purchase orders. You must select the printer for the Allocation and Receipt Report and the pick tickets, and select the print order for pick tickets. If you entered a PO Correction, select the option to adjust any back orders that exist for the products whose quantities were adjusted. If the correction decreased the received amount, any open back orders will be increased. If the correction increased the received amount, the quantity on open back orders is decreased.

Receiving Report

You can initiate the Purchase Receiving Update Report by clicking Receiving Report and then specifying report options. This report is used to print a list of items that have been received against a specified journal number prior to doing an update in Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry. Use it to review entries before you actually do the final update for the receipt. Unit costs and extended costs are displayed based on your security settings. If there are tally product lines, a summary of the tally sub line information is included with the line items.


Select one or multiple purchase orders in the grid and choose one of these items from the Actions menu:
  • Full Receipt
  • Cancel Receiving Work
  • Receiving Labels
  • Receive by Ready ASN