PI Import History Inquiry overview
Function acronym: PIIH
Use this page to provide a list of update files, details of the import, active and inactive products, and product details.
In Search, you must specify an Import Type to show a list of updates in the grid. It must be a valid import type defined in PI Import Definition Setup. You can filter the list with the Display field. Select Active Imports Only, Inactive Imports Only, Both. After the updates are listed in the grid, drilldown on a record to show the Details of Import tab and Active/Inactive Products tab. Expand these sections to view additional information.
The status of a record is either Active or Inactive. If any active line items exist in the file, the file remains active. An update file is considered inactive when all line items have been updated, deleted, or ignored. Inactive files are available for inquiry until they are deleted in Product Impact Administrator Delete Inactive Records, if the detail is saved during the update process. If it is not saved, the Save Detail option is cleared in Product Import Setup Price/Cost Multipliers. If it is not saved, it cannot be viewed in this function.